ATCL Programme notes

2006-10-18 8:40 pm
ATCL Programme notes要寫幾多字架??

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2006-10-19 10:02 am
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ATCL Programme notes要寫幾多字架??

no at 生平 and 基本資料
yes at work in historical perspective and work itself
e.g form成熟, diminished 7th(深入內容) → 不求多只求精

work compose year and what the composer feeling
e.g sonatas in c minor pathethque op.13
- grave
- allegro
- andante espressino
- allegro
** tempo must writing in the programme notes

biographhy → only 1-2句, 唔可以寫太多, 要夾雜係pieces words內
e.g. this pieces compose in beethoven when he was nealy all no voice hear
biography writing words in 50 words
用pieces做例 no variations time or tempo, no diffcult words, no techlice name

the work itself
- harmony e.g. some worse

interest - beethoven + other compose
questions - history by JS Bach to 20th, in expect at the examinations
important - piano history, not harpsicord
參考: 何司能Piano Diploma Talk Notes
2006-10-19 9:48 am
Total 300 words
參考: ATCL syllabus

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