English Tenses

2006-10-18 8:08 pm
My english is very poor ,so i would like to ask you how and when should i use the tenses! ( PLEASE GIVE EXAMPLES ,and after each examples give the chinese meanings)

1)Present participle tense
2)past participle tense
3)present perfect tense
4)past perfect tense
5)present tense
6)past tense

回答 (2)

2006-10-18 8:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1)Present participle tense [is/am/are + (verb+ing)]
用在一些在進行中的事情(eg. I am talking with my mother now )[我同媽媽現在在談話],通常見到now,at the moment就要用
2)past participle tense[was/were +(verb+ing)]
用在一些過去中進行的事情,如I was talking with my mother when my father went home,[當我爸爸回家,我在與媽媽談話]要用在過去並進行中的事情,而你可以從那些verb當中知道該動作是長或是短,長的包括run,talk,take a bath,etc;短的包括see,open,etc。
3)present perfect tense[have/has +past participle ]
這個是用在一1.從以前發生,現在還有影響性的動作或2.重複的動作。1.如I have lived in Hong Kong for 7 years [我在香港居住已有7年].這個是在7年前住入,屬以前發生,現在都仲係住緊hk,有影響性,所以用present perfect tense[have lived],而2就如I have read this book for several times.即係話我睇左本書已有幾次,很明顯地重複了幾次。
4.past perfect tense[had+past participle ]
這個有點兒複雜,首先大前提係有2個動作出現,一個係較先發生,另一個則較遲發生,for example,the patient had died before the doctor came,[在醫生來到之前,病人死掉]在這句中,病人死掉發生先於醫生來到,故先發生的事情[病人死掉]要用past perfect tense,即[had died]。
5)present tense[verb]
這個很簡單,用這個tense有幾種情況,1.習慣,如I go to the library twice a week ,每1星期2次到圖書館,係一個習慣2.事實,如the sun rises in east.太陽從東方升起。
6)past tense [past participle ]
這個是用在過去的,eg. I went to the church last week .在上星期我到了教堂,hint words:yesterday,last week,a month ago,etc.

2016-04-12 2:16 pm
too simple

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