小小英文ge 翻譯

2006-10-18 1:32 pm

有一日.. David上山..斬柴,.諗住用d木黎整一間新屋
我見到一隻收左傷ge bird 係地下..
返到屋企..david同佢ge neightbour. 呀john一齊食個西瓜

返到屋企..一開個西瓜..發現all is mouses.snakes..ants..and so on..
呢個故事教訓我地... 做人唔可以貪心..

回答 (4)

2006-10-18 7:16 pm
My grandfather told me a story.

One day, David went to a mountain and cut the trees. He wanted to get some wood for building a new house. I saw a hurt bird on the ground. David helped to cure the bird's wound by a bandage. The bird was very thankful for David's kindness and it gave a water melon to David. David came home and shared the water melon with his neighbour, John.
Suddenly, they found a lot of gold, silver and jewelleries inside the water melon.

Next day, John went to the mountain alone and found the bird. John broke the bird's leg on purpose and then cured his leg by a bandage. John asked for a water melon from the bird. John was very happy and thought that the water melon contained a lot of gold, silver and jewelleries. After John had gone home, he cut the water melon and found that there were a lot of mouses, snakes, etc. inside the water melon.

This story teaches us not to be greedy. Greedy peeple will get a bad pay back on himself.
2006-10-18 5:08 pm
Here is a story told my Grandpa/Grandfather

there was one day, David climbed up a mountain to collect wood in order to build a new house. there was a bird which was hurt lying on the ground.

David then used a small piece of cloth to wrap its wound. the bird gave David a watermelon to present its thanks.

David went home and shared the watermelon with his neighbour, John. when they opened the watermelon, they saw many jewelleries inside.

on the second day, John climbed up the mountain alone. he found that bird and hurt the bird's leg by purpose. after that, he helped the bird to wipe its wound. he then asked the bird for a watermelon. John was so happy since he thought he could have a lot of jewelleries. when he arrived home, he opened the watermelon, however, he found out only mice, snakes, ants and many other dirty insects inside.

this story taught us not to be greedy, otherwise, we would only be the same as John, to be suffered from one has done.

中文轉英文有好多句子都不能直譯, 只能交代意思..
參考: me + yahoo dictionary
2006-10-18 4:25 pm
有一日。 大衛上山。斬柴。諗住用d木黎整一間新屋
返到屋企。大衛同佢鄰居。 呀約翰一齊食個西瓜
呢個故事教訓我地… 做人唔可以貪心。

Small small English ge translates
grandfather to say has on first for mine
story. David climbs mountains. Cuts the firewood. Thinks about with d wooden Li Zheng a new room
I saw receives injuries the ge bird is underground left.
Afterwards. he uses the left small small cloth to help he to wrap up the good wound.
Fruit bird good gratitude he. Then. Returns the room business compared to
left watermelon David. David with 佢 ge neightbour. John eats a watermelon
knowledge he to see in once…The watermelon enters the surface is many gold, silver and jewelries….
2nd date. John climb mountains. fruit bird. Then.
Entire breaks a bird foot sedulously…Afterwards…Helps he Bao Fan the good wound.
Then…he asked a bird carries a watermelon…
John. Good happy. he thought is…Gold, silver and jewelry….
Returns the room business. As soon as opens a watermelon. Discovered is completely the mouse. Snake. Ant. .
A story teaches me… The personhood may not be greedy.
If the department cannot seem John 咁. Reaping what has been sown.
2006-10-18 3:00 pm
One day,David went to the hill,he decided to get some woods to build a house
I saw a bird which is hurt
so he use布to help the bird
the bird is so感激,then it gave a fruit to him
David got home,David shared the fruit to his neighbour
they saw there are a lot of珠寶
after he got home,he open the fruit,find out that there are a lot of mouses ,snakes,ants
this story tells us,做人唔可以貪心..

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