有無人係FRIENDS(老友記/六人行)既fans 呀/ 鐘意睇美劇呀?

2006-10-18 11:05 am
本人勁鐘意睇美國既電視劇,好想同人傾吓呢類既話題呢...尤其係FRIENDS...簡直係我既至愛,真係百看不厭, 雖然套劇都完左成2年, 但我都會成日翻睇, 好想同人分享下啲劇情, 人物, anything.......

近排套Nip/tuck 同 desperated housewife 都好好睇...套Nip/ tuck啲劇情真係去得好盡, 好似睇緊三級片咁.....

一齊分享吓丫, 謝....

回答 (3)

2006-10-21 5:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
我都係呀﹗﹗﹗﹗我成set DVD 買晒~~我成日就囉黎重睇過幾十次都有啦~~我阿媽見親我再睇都話我痴線~~哈哈~~
我仲買左他們的紀念特冊呀~~仲有買埋果本Friends Official Trivia Quiz Book自己系度玩~~不過自己玩無咩隱~~哈哈~~~
我真係好喜歡friends~~我最鐘意就係Joey 同Chandler~~Monica, Rachel, Phoebe都好~~Ross都OK ~~~( E..即係全部~~)哈 [死..我一講起又癲左]

2006-10-21 02:23:24 補充:
有無看prison break呀甘﹖﹖好好看啊
參考: 自己
2006-10-18 5:42 pm
I guess Nip tuck is trying to get the viewers attention.
Six Feet Under Season 1 is good. Alan Ball is the director of Six Feet Under... he wrote the script for American Beauty (movie).
Desperate Hsewife, very funny.
LOST... I think it's so so...
Sex and the City Season 1 is very good. usually the first season of the US drama is the best.

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