
2006-10-18 10:46 am
I am the Environmental science student but also taking one 9 credits basic design courses for elective.....all of my classmates have excellent works and creatons except me, it might because they are all major Fine arts and graphic design students...hard to say!!.....Although my teachers in middle school said that I had talent of design and told me that l might advanced into the design field..

回答 (1)

2006-10-18 12:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你可以買d 有關art 同design 既書睇....睇得多...吸收得多....仲要得閒就畫下...咁我相信你可以improve 下你d 畫功....

因為我細佬之前都唔係收art同design.....而且畫畫都係好普通...但係佢宜家都係大學讀product design....全靠買書...多留意身邊有特色既野...同畫多d 練多d 咋....

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