what is the meaning of FILM SCORING

2006-10-18 9:52 am

回答 (2)

2006-10-18 10:24 am
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Score for a film = 為影片配樂 = Writing theme tunes for a movie.寫作影片的主題曲

美國著名影片作曲家有 John Williams, 他為Steven Spielberg史提芬·史匹堡編寫出的影片主題曲有: Jaws大白鯊 , Star Wars星球大戰, Jurassic Park 侏羅紀公園, Indiana Jones奪寶奇兵, Harry Potter哈利波特...等等, 還有其它著名電影例如: Memoirs of a Geisha藝伎回憶錄, Seven Years in Tibet 西藏七年。
2006-10-18 10:05 am
To write music for a film. Sometimes background music and soundtracks, sometimes original theme songs
參考: myself

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