急!!20分!!!"Receipt Rule"既definition係咩?

2006-10-18 9:46 am
"Receipt Rule"既definition係咩?
係關於contract law 既 communication of acceptance架
佢話 when the parties conclude their contract in the presence of each other, and through modes of instantaneous communication such as telephone and telex, acceptance is effective only when it reaches the offeror.
有冇d 讀law既人可以解答?
詳細少少, 最好有reference.

回答 (1)

2006-10-18 10:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
係contract law入面關於communication of acceptance,顧名思義即係點樣既情況下溝通使會使到一個contrat生效。
你個段既意思係: 當一個parties (offeree即被offer contract的人)透過即時互動的溝通渠道例如電話或電報等,去答應接受合約,一定要make sure個offeror清楚接收到你呢個訊息,合約先會生效。
內裹意思係指如果有證據証明offeror沒有聽到/收到offeree答應(such as因接收不良而聽唔到),那contract便沒有洗法律效力。
為了避免這種情況發生,offeree答應時應再要與offeror confirm一次或用文件確認。
這和business law裹的postal rule係一個相反的。
參考: 自己的記憶

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