I can't get my friend off the phone?

2006-10-18 5:04 am
She called before bedtime and I'm listening to her complain about her job. She's a good friend, so I don't want to cut her off. It was my husband that answered! Help me get her off the phone. Give me a line to tell her.

Be creative.

She continues... Come on.. a good line please. I can't get a word in to tell her I have to go. It would sound rude to just cut her off.


Thanks everyone. I started telling her some lines and then the phone went dead!!!!! HAHAHAHA

回答 (14)

2006-10-18 5:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
just hang up and don't answer the phone until tomorrow and when she ask what happened tell her your phone line was having trouble
參考: ive done it a few times so my FRIEND thinks my phone service sucks
2006-10-18 12:07 pm
Set boundaries. Tell her the truth; that it's close to bedtime, you are tired, you would love to talk to her tomorrow, but you have to hang up, then do so. If she is a real friend, then she will understand. If she doesn't understand and gets rude or cops attitude, then she never was your friend.
2006-10-18 12:14 pm
"Honey, I hate to cut this short- But I really need to go the the restroom can I call you back tomorrow?... I'm not feeling well I think it was something I ate!"

that way she thinks she is doing you a favor by hanging up- Good luck!
2006-10-18 12:12 pm
oh i thnk someone is calling my mobile ill call you back tomorrow cya
2006-10-18 12:05 pm
Tell your husband to tell her that you have gone to bed already.
2006-10-18 1:51 pm
If she is really a good friend and you care about keeping her, then you don't need to be looking for a line........ you need to face the conflict and tell her how you feel, your relationship might go through a rocky spot but you will come out stronger in the long run. Before you tell her she is driving you crazy make sure that its is not you that needs the reality check.... ask your self does she really need a friend right now..... is it my job to listen right now no matter how annoing it is... remember you may need to vent or cry some time that she has some thing else she would rather be doing! Do you think she would put every thing eles off to listen to you!!!!
參考: My source is my own experiances...... The best relationships are honest...... you don't have to be brutally honest, but you need to be sensitivly honest.... lying just postpones the pain, it dosen't avoid it!
2006-10-18 1:39 pm
would suggest you give her a time frame to call, listen were in bed at 9,00 call you call before we go to bed? say between 8 , 8,30 and inform her that you have a life and wish to spend some of it with your hubby,i m sure she will understand ,and whats half a hour between friends eh lol
參考: im hanging up now, your time's up ,good night
2006-10-18 12:45 pm
I know that's hard for me to do too....I am a talker too but when I don't want to be bothered I actually let the robot come on and say No one is available right now so leave a message...and if you have caller I.D. duh...just don't answer maybe if you do this more often she will get the hint or at least call you earlier then you can spend more time with the hubby instead of a phone on your ear.
2006-10-18 12:34 pm

OR, say to husband,"OH MY GOD HONEY, THAT IS SOOO BIG."
and have him say, "GET OFF THE PHONE AND BEND OVER!"

2006-10-18 12:22 pm
cut the line, next time u can say u got dc ( disconnected )
2006-10-18 12:18 pm
How about, "shut...shut....SHUT UP FOR A MINUTE AND LET ME SPEAK!" "Now, i don't mean to be rude but there's a time and a place for everything, and this the time and place that me and my husband were about to fulfil some wedding vowels and you know how little that happens these days, so unless you can provide some seductive music to enhance the mood, i will be talking to you tomorrow" click.
2006-10-18 12:18 pm
OK heres how it goes ...hang up ...immediately call back
needtogonowcallyoubacktomorrowbye!" CLICK
2006-10-18 12:13 pm
There is no creativity here just tell her your hubby is waiting for you in the bed and am sure she will just say good bye
2006-10-18 12:12 pm
tell her there is somebody at the door you got to run see you later bye and hang up

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