feature of Renaissance architecture(10points)

2006-10-18 7:17 am
what is the features of renaissance architecture? please list it out as detail as u can.

( i dont want the feature of renaissance. i want the feature of Renaissance architecture.

回答 (2)

2006-10-18 7:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
Renaissance Architecture: Between the 14th and the 16th Centuries there was the stirrings of a new cultural movement which came to be known as the Renaissance, literally the “Rebirth”, because it revived and developed certain elements of Classical Greek and Roman thought and material culture. The cities of Italy in the early 1400s and Florence in particular were centres of the development of the burgeoning Humanist ideas. This period is also known in Italy as the Quattrocento.

In none of the arts more than Architecture was this “rebirth” more apparent. The elements for the rediscovery of the Classical were visible in the many ancient buildings which over the centuries had been recycled and used as quarries for their materials.

The Renaissance brought a new emphasis on rational clarity and with it a conscious revival of Roman Architecture with its symmetry, its mathematical proportions, geometrically-perfect designs and regularity of parts. Orderly arrangements of columns and lintels, regularly divided surfaces, semicircular arches and hemispherical domes replaced the haphazard proportions and irregular gabled facades which preceded the new style. It was recognised by contemporaries in the term all'Antica, "in the Antique manner".

Phases of the Renaissance style in Italy
1. the Early Renaissance of Leone Battista Alberti and Filippo Brunelleschi,
2. the High Renaissance of Donato Bramante and Raphael,
3. the Mannerist style with widely diverging tendencies in the work of Michelangelo and Giulio Romano and Andrea Palladio, that led to the Baroque style in which the same architectural vocabulary was used for very different rhetoric.
2006-10-21 8:28 pm
The word ‘renaissance’ means rebirth. It refers to the changes which began in Europe in the 14th century.

Features of the Renaissance
1.Humanism is the basis of the Renaissance.
2.They were concerned about human needs and they tried to solve human problems rationally.
3.The influence of the Church declined.
4.Humanism began in the Renaissance.
5.People were not as enthusiastic about religion as before. They paid attention to human affairs, classical learning and writing.

people: Looked things in a new way.
interested again- -ancient Greco-Roman art and learning -classical things
developed an interest ? -in the beauty around
They had greater freedom
They questioned? -unreasonable ideas and beliefs
new developments in art, science, literature and religion took place and the Middle Ages (476-1453) in Europe ended and modern times in Europe (1453-present) began.

2006-10-31 20:17:28 補充:
Architects -Renaissance architects copied the architectural styles of the Greeks and the Romans. They adopted many classical features such as domes, arches, pillars and symmetrical design.

2006-10-31 20:18:08 補充:
~Michelangelo Buonarroti-In 1546, Pope Paul III appointed Michelangelo to design the St. Peter’s Church in the Vatican. Michelangelo died in 1564 and was unable to complete his work.-Dome of St. Peter’s Church

2006-10-31 20:18:33 補充:
-The St. Peter’s Church in Rome. It has a huge dome, tall pillars and symmetrical structure. ~Filippo Brunelleschi(1377-1446) -Brunelleschi was a well-known Renaissance architect. -He adopted many classical architectural styles.

2006-10-31 20:19:09 補充:
-The Duomo is a masterpiece of Renaissance architecture. It has a huge dome and is symmetrical in design.-The Hong Kong Legislative Council Building

2006-10-31 20:19:28 補充:
The United States Capital and the Hong Kong Legislative Council Building are built in Renaissance style. Both have huge domes and tall stone columns.

2006-10-31 20:20:19 補充:
Architecture-Changes-Gothic architecture –Middle ages-One of the most famous cathedrals of today is the Notre Dame in Paris, France

2006-10-31 20:20:54 補充:
-At the end of the fourteenth century, the impressiveness of Gothic architecture began to wear off (BYE). Europe was coming out of the Middle ages, and into the Renaissance

2006-10-31 20:21:11 補充:
-They revived many of the ideas from classical (Greek and Roman) architecture. They did, however, use materials not associated with Greek and Roman architecture such as brick, and the color red became common.

2006-10-31 20:21:40 補充:
Artists and architects worked together much more, and many renaissance buildings have statues, murals, and much more artwork to go with them. -renaissance architecture with domes are the Duomo of Florence.

2006-10-31 20:22:09 補充:
-From 1296-463steps, height108公尺 (The painter Giotto designed its sturdy bell tower (campanile) in 1334. octagonal cupola –

2006-10-31 20:22:32 補充:
This is the largest painting of the Renaissanceinside the dome. Called "Last Judgement" it is by Vasari and Zuccari and has just been newly restored. -A common feature of renaissance architecture was the dome

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