
2006-10-18 4:53 am
我想買倫敦至香港o既來回機票, 大概十二月中到香港, 月尾返倫敦. 我知道而家呢個時間買o的機票一定貴, 維珍o的機票都算平, 但係都要差唔多600鎊 (連稅). 不過我響網上睇到新西蘭航空o的機票比起國泰, 維珍平好多, 400鎊都唔使. 唔知有冇人知道點解佢o的機票平咁多 (直航o黎o架喎)? 同埋新西蘭航空o既質素好唔好? 尤其是好唔好坐呢?

回答 (5)

2006-10-18 5:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
Well... They still have ticket at pretty good price... Maybe because they only just launched London-Hong Kong non-stop flights at the end of October at the beginning of Winter Timetable...
It seems like that the ticket you found under GBP400 are the promotional ticket which are selling to celebrate the launch of the route...
Recently NZ have upgraded their cabin... This include all their B777 and some B744... The airlines will be using the newly upgraded B744 on the route... So they would not be too bad...
Currently NZ have the best seat pitch on the route with 34incles seat pitch on their Economy class... And their new seats are pretty comfortable by the look of it... And they also equired with AVOD...
2006-10-30 10:59 am
I think this person didnt actually experience the actual services of AirNZ. I can say AirNZ services is the worst services that i never had.
2006-10-24 2:05 am
2006-10-21 2:18 am
book through oasishongkong.com website
2006-10-18 10:16 pm
Air New Zealand is a good carrier too. However, Air New Zealand has early departure from Hong Kong like Qantas Airways if it is ok for you. Well, so many competition, Virgin Atlantic as they will have 3 extra flights between London and Hong Kong in Nov06. Total: 10 flights weekly, Double Daily flights from Feb07. See how Oasis affects the market after they launch the service between Hong Kong and London Gatwick.

CX is normally the expensive one, BA is the second, VS is the third..., Qantas is the fourth(for non-stop carrier)

(Based on Nov06)Why CX is expensive, once you have a flexible ticket, they have 4 flights daily for you to choose. Of course la. Why BA is the 2nd, they have triple daily flights wor.

HKG/LHR, 0815/1330
13:15 hrs
LHR/HKG, 2115/1700+1
11:45 hrs

HKG/LHR, 0740/1320
LHR/HKG 1220/0715+1

VS201 daily
HKG/LHR 2335/0450+1
VS239 Sun/Wed/Fri from 3Nov, daily from 1Feb07
HKG/LHR 0120/0710

VS200 daily
LHR/HKG 2130/1750+1
VS238 Mon/Wed/Fri, daily from Feb07
LHR/HKG 2035/1705

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