
2006-10-18 3:31 am
1.what is surrealism??
2.list 5 surrealism painter.His/Her Name,Nationality of origin and Year...
3.Choose 2 painters from the list and search 3 pieces of paintings of EACH painter and attach EACH painting with interpretation...
Please answer it in English........thanks.........

回答 (1)

2006-10-20 1:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
In the 1920 and 30, the proponents of Surrealism, a European visual arts and literary movement, explored the direct expression of the unconscious unobscured by rational thought. Surrealism was influenced by Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytical theories, but the movement was also very much a reaction against the "reason" that had led Europe into the devastations of World War I.

2006-10-19 17:50:47 補充:
A 20th-century literary and artistic movement that attempts to express the workings of the subconscious by fantastic imagery and incongruous juxtaposition of subject matter.
參考: Joeie

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