急,,,help !!!我要空氣污染指數的介紹

2006-10-18 3:18 am
我要空氣污染指數的介紹(A brief introduction to the air pollution index)
我chem 要做proj,...不少過100字
要英文ga~ plz~

回答 (3)

2006-10-18 3:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
Background Information of API
Air pollutants can cause long-term health effects to us. However, air pollution levels sometimes can become so high that they may have more immediate impacts for those with existing heart or respiratory illnesses. The Air Pollution Index is to let you know about the quality of the air at the moment.

The API converts air pollution data from several types of pollutants into a value ranging from 0 to 500. Those pollutants are nitrogen dioxide, sulphur dioxide, ozone, carbon monoxide and respirable suspended particulates. APIs for each of these five pollutants are calculated and the highest API number is reported as the API of that hour.

API and Air Quality

The API ranges from 0 to 500 and is divided into 5 bands according to the potential effects on health. The potential health effects for different ranges of API values are as follows.

Air Pollution Index Air Pollution Level Health Implications
0 - 25 Low None expected.
26 - 50 Medium None expected for the general population.
51 - 100 High Very few people, if any, may notice immediate health effects. Long-term effects may, however, be observed if you are exposed to such levels for a long time.
101 - 200 Very High People with existing heart or respiratory illnesses will notice mild aggravation of their health conditions. Generally healthy individuals may also notice some discomfort.
201 - 500 Severe People with existing heart or respiratory illnesses will experience significant aggravation of their symptoms and there will be also widespread symptoms in the healthy population. These include eye irritation, wheezing, coughing, phlegm and sore throat.

Points to Note

The suggested precautionary actions are summarised below.

Air Pollution Index Air Pollution Level Precautions
0 - 25 Low No response action is required.
26 - 50 Medium No response action is required.
51 - 100 High No immediate response action is suggested - long-term effects may, however, be observed if exposed at this level persistently for months or years.
101 - 200 Very High Persons with existing heart or respiratory illnesses (such as coronary heart and cardiovascular diseases, asthma, chronic bronchitis and chronic obstructive airways diseases) are advised to reduce physical exertion and outdoor activities.
201 - 500 Severe The general public are advised to reduce physical exertion and outdoor activities.

As the health effects on individuals may vary, you should seek advice from a medical doctor if you are in doubt or feel uncomfortable.
參考: webpage
2006-10-18 3:26 am
The air quality monitoring network in Hong Kong of the Environmental Protection Department (EPD) comprises fourteen fixed monitoring stations to meet the following objectives:-

1To understand air pollution problems in order that cost-effective policies and solutions can be developed;
2To assess to what extent the standards and targets are being achieved or violated;
3To assist the assessment of public's exposure to air pollution; and
4To provide public information on current and forecast air quality.

The network is designed and operated to meet the highest international standards. It is certified by the Hong Kong Laboratory Accreditation Scheme (HOKLAS) and has gained high regard from experts of overseas and the United Nations' Environmental Programme.

API is the conversion of the ambient respirable suspended particulate (RSP), sulphur dioxide (SO2), carbon monoxide (CO), ozone (O3) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) concentrations measured at our air quality monitoring network to a scale of 0 to 500. An index of 100 corresponds to the short-term Hong Kong Air Quality Objectives (HKAQO) estabished under the Air Pollution Control Ordinance.

Real time air quality data from each monitoring station are transferred via telephone line to the air quality data processing centre of EPD in Revenue Tower for calculation of API. API is calculated by first computing the subindices of scale extending from 0 to 500 for each air pollutant measured at each air quality monitoring station based on the 1-hour, 8-hour and/or 24-hour average concentrations. Subindex levels have been related to ambient pollutant concentrations over a 24 hour period based on the potential health effects of pollutants. A subindex level of 100 corresponds to the short-term Hong Kong Air Quality Objectives (HKAQO) below which there is no adverse acute health effect to human while a level of 500 corresponds to significant harm to human health. API is subsequently calculated for each air quality monitoring station by taking the maximum of the subindices among all the parameters measured at that station to indicate the overall pollution level.

2006-10-17 19:27:16 補充:
參考資料: epd website
2006-10-18 3:22 am
Air innate nature inspection station:
Government air innate nature inspection station enrollment air pollution index. The resident may according to the air pollution index thus decided whether is suitable participates in the outdoors activity.

The air pollution index is according to measures in the air five kind of pollutant obtained data to calculate, these five kind of pollutant are: The nitrogen oxide, the sulphur dioxide, the ozone, the carbon monoxide and may the inspiration suspended particle.

What is the roadside air pollution index? What it and does the common air pollution index have to distinguish?
The roadside air pollution index provides nearby the busy street the pollution level, but the common air pollution index has represented the air pollution situation which our major part time contacts. Because the roadside inspection station approaches the automobile waste gas to discharge the source, therefore measures the index comparatively general index is naturally high.

2006-10-17 19:23:10 補充:

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 13:17:17
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