what is the meaning of evidence and search?

2006-10-18 1:52 am
what is the meaning of evidence and search?

回答 (4)

2006-10-18 2:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
Evidence is the support for your statements and opinions from other sources. The quality of your evidence is in fact more important than your opinions. Without evidence your work does not belong in an academic environment.

Search means that you are looking for something.
2006-10-18 2:00 am
evidence=Your basis for belief or disbelief; knowledge on which to base belief.
search=The activity of looking thoroughly in order to find something or someone.
參考: word web
2006-10-18 1:58 am
search = 搜查
2006-10-18 1:58 am
evidence 可以係 verb or noun
當係noun既時候 , 可解作證據/證詞/證人/物證
係verb既時候, 可解作證明/ 顯示/ 表明

serach亦可以係 verb or noun
當係noun既時候 , 可解作搜查/搜尋
係verb既時候, 可解作搜查/搜尋/細看/ 仔細檢查/)穿過/ 刺透
參考: yahoo dict

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