
2006-10-18 1:36 am


回答 (1)

2006-10-18 2:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
The evil white sorceress commanded the entire evil spirit imaginary kingdom. to execute the virulent incantation, made originally the joyful harmonious natrium Nepal Asia elder ice-bound during the cold winter.
Comes from human world four childrens, on the surface with the natrium Nepal Asia not in the least correlation, actually unexpectedly agrees without prior consultationhappen to hold the same view with the fable in prediction, controls this evil spirit imaginary kingdom life and death! They follow closely just male lion Arab League Si to be blue, with the white sorceress evil coexistence, launches continually the field test of strength, the struggle, the betrayal and the sacrifice, opens the startled world prologue for the end extremely war... ...

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