
2006-10-17 9:43 pm


回答 (3)

2006-10-18 1:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
撤銷保護現有供應商的法例, 結束壟斷局面, 增加資訊透明度,
開放市場, 引入新競爭者
當人人都知呢行有肉食, 就會加入競爭, 爭餐飽, 直至無肉食為止
根據經濟學的說法, 消費者有選擇, 市場力量就會令定價會返回平衡點
對因高入場費, 大規模低成本引起的自然壟斷則沒用
應對方法唯有尋找替代品如天然氣, 太陽能等
2006-10-17 10:45 pm
It is a political measure rather than economic principles in the petroleum industry
The trade talks have made the consent or restriction of production capacity among the members of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

OPEC's objective is to co-ordinate and unify petroleum policies among Member Countries, in order to secure fair and stable prices for petroleum producers; an efficient, economic and regular supply of petroleum to consuming nations; and a fair return on capital to those investing in the industry.

2006-10-17 18:32:43 補充:
Like diamond mining in Africa, petroleum is also the product of scarcity that must be conserved in order to support price under the mechanism of supply and demand, and to prevent extreme exploitation of the mineral resources

2006-10-26 20:11:32 補充:
According to WWF, our earth will be ended with no natural resources after 5years due to extreme exploitation by human. High price could act as strong sign to consumers not to wasting.
My assumption considers sustainable development of our life, earth and econ
2006-10-17 9:47 pm
可以係 political 政治埋由
亦可行 monetary measures

e.g. 加稅收, 加quota 限制, 禁售....

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