IETS test

2006-10-17 9:00 pm
請問邊度有考IELTS test 的課程讀連考試,最好可提供價錢。


回答 (2)

2006-10-17 9:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
british council and idp hold the ielts test in hk~
they dont make any difference.

the fee for the test would be HKD$1500.

2006-10-17 13:09:24 補充:
Hong KongBritish Council Hong KongNext Test Date: 28-Oct-2006More InformationHong KongHong KongCEPAS Management Unit - Test CentreNext Test Date: 28-Oct-2006More Information

2006-10-17 13:09:57 補充:
Hong KongWanchaiIDP Education Pty Ltd Hong Kong - Test CentreNext Test Date: 28-Oct-2006More Information
2006-10-18 6:55 am
you can find in these ways:
The British Council HK001
3 Supreme Court Road
TEl: 2913-5170

IDP Education Austrialia HK027
Room 2807 The Harbour Centre
25 Harbour Road, Wan Chai

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