
2006-10-17 8:45 pm
如使用eipo認購,請問有無人知用PPS 比錢,
申請人同PPS account用戶不是同一人得唔得?

回答 (3)

2006-10-18 8:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
【明報專訊】(2006-10-16 05:05:01)


雖然網上銀行及繳費靈( PPS)均設有每日每戶轉帳上限,匯豐及恒生為每日 50萬元,中銀(只限一次過付款)上限為 100萬元,繳費靈為每日 10萬元,但除了中銀外,並無規定支帳戶口須與申請人身分證號碼一致。也就是說,申請人以個人名義認購,但繳付人可以是其他人士。
2006-10-17 8:55 pm
申請人同PPS account用戶不是同一人 = 可以

注意:用 eipo 申請一定要用英文填寫,否則無效!

2006-10-17 12:57:05 補充:
PPS 比錢 是依據 付款參考編號,而不是依人名的。
2006-10-17 8:49 pm

2006-10-17 16:09:12 補充:
Upon submitting your electronic application, you will be issued with a payment reference number. Please record this payment reference number, as you will need to quote it when making payment.

2006-10-17 16:09:22 補充:
We will NOT be able to match your payment with your application if this payment reference number is not correctly quoted when making payment, and your application will be invalid. You may pay for your application by using

2006-10-17 16:09:32 補充:
(1) the Internet bill payment services of HSBC, Hang Seng Bank or Bank of China (Hong Kong), (2) PPS Internet payment services, or (3) PPS By Phone payment services.

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