1. it's depends on when you will arrive in Sydney. 因為好多唐人local tour只有星期六日先有團出發去其他地方,如果唔成團就要選擇australian 的city tour local tour.
local tour 方面:有Blue Mountain--少量hiking 及看風景
Canberra--首都, 坐成4-5hr車去睇國会及領事區, 勁悶
Port Stephen-睇海豚, 果園 , 土著表演(u can choose to join 2 days tour)
Wollogong --藍天寺, 浪花洞
Hunter Valley--酒莊(可住農場) -can be 2 days tour
china town 內之market city樓下有間叫金福旅遊, 多數唐人係度報名。
2。五日其實好多時間,因為Sdyeny 唔多野玩,以下為自己設計之行程供參考, 有動有靜
Day 1. Rocks Market (Sat & Sun先開) --Circular Quay 睇Art Gallery & 街頭藝人表演--- Opera House Internal guide tour ----爬Harbour Bridge (黃昏) ---Dinnar at Doyles ( (located at rocks/ circular quay) -----ANA hotel 頂樓lounge飲野( panoramic view of Sydney Harbour)
Day 2. Bondi beach 'her' 下, 食雪羔飲coffee...and there is a steak restaurant called 'hog's breath steak cafe ' d牛扒好正, 又林又多汁又有肉味. 下午返city 行Queen's Victoria Building, David Jones, Graces bros百貨etc.
Day 3. Take Light Rail to Fish Market, 狂食蠔及魚生,walk around Darling harbour , visit the Aquarium, and the newly launched WildLife zoo , Chinese Garden 再返去china town ...有時間可坐10mins bus to sydney University,,.傳統老牌大學影下相....夜晚再去Leichart (小意大利) Italian Forum (Norton Street)食意大利菜
Day 4./ Day 5 Take the Train to Home bush Olympic Park or shopping at Paramatta. or join a local tour to somewhere..
Food : try a french restauarant : The little Snail
Open 7 days for Lunch and Dinner
5 0 Murray St
Pyrmont, NSW 2009
(just at teh end of Darling Harbour shopping mall)
我成日去食, 好正唔算貴, 蝸牛及袋鼠肉一定要試