
2006-10-17 4:54 pm

回答 (4)

2006-10-17 5:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
not only that... the social dynamics of HK has changed because of flooded Mainland immigrants since the 90s. These people are poor and ignorant and they brought nothing good to HK, they just brought with them loads of social problems which destroy the prosperity of HK. Most of them are so poor and they don't have a drive to work, hence, they come to HK to obtain the social benefit of the HKSAR. Hence the middle class who work and pay tax suffer. The poor remain poor and they obtain the social security. The rich they have connections and good network and they obtain benefits from the Central government.
The uneven wealth distribution is caused by the HKSAR goverment with lack of foresight.
2006-10-18 12:59 am
財富嚴重分配不均 is normal because HK is capitalism city .
But , 財富嚴重分配不均 in CHINA is abnormal ...............China is still Communism !
參考: me
2006-10-17 5:06 pm
這是其中一倨原因, 官商鈎結才是置命傷,
最佳例子, 樓價趺政府就唔買樓託價, 庫房有少少錢第一樣一定減利得稅, 咁你話有什麼可能會唔貧富懸殊啦.
2006-10-17 5:01 pm
徐了您刚才所讲的诱因外,还有就是每天由国内用单程证来香港定居的两三千人,大多数是没有太多特殊技能,所以在香港只能做到低技术的工作,加上他们的儿女也会比较多,那就是现在为何那样要求得利害要最低工资的问题. 从另一角度去看,其实在香港是富有的10%人口去养起那大部分生活在贫穷线下的人口.

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