
2006-10-17 8:28 am
我部相機係一部普通數碼相機, 映出黎既相係一般彩色相, 我想保留原本的彩色相, 另外試下轉成黑白既效果, 用電腦有咩方法(小畫家之類既programme簡單)做到呢樣野?

一定要簡單, 我既拍照及用電腦技術都好一般 :p

回答 (4)

2006-10-17 8:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) You may install the following freeware.
2) Using the above freeware to open the picture,then,
Image > Convert to grey / negative ...
3) You can use it for simple touch up your picture as well.
4) It is a picture viewer with thumbnail.
5) It can batch change file type, resolution,....
2006-10-17 8:42 am
photo impact
2006-10-17 8:38 am
用 google Picasa2 相片程式
2006-10-17 8:33 am
用 AcdSee 吧.


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