我想申請gmail , but http://getgmail.xder .com is not working

2006-10-17 8:16 am
我想申請gmail , but http://getgmail.xder .com is not working,
Any invitation please?

my email is [email protected]

回答 (5)

2006-10-17 8:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
I invited you, pls check ur email
2006-10-17 8:31 am
應該有人send 左 邀請比你
2006-10-17 8:26 am
You may go to the website below to get a gmail invites !
It is :


Try go to the website everyday and wait for a invite e-mail.

Or you may go to the "Gmail-Invites" google groups
to ask someone to invite you :


If after a few days later you still cannot get a invite ,
reply a message in here !

I will help you !

2006-10-17 00:31:59 補充:
A reply to Mr. prettychinchilla ------------------------------------------------Dear prettychinchilla , The website you gave us is only the website for someone who want to register a google account , but not Gmail. Please check your answer before you submit it , thanks !
2006-10-17 8:21 am
U can go to this website to apply one


2006-10-17 00:57:29 補充:
Sorry kenfung, I misunderstood the question
2006-10-17 8:19 am



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