Schlieffen plan (20 points)

2006-10-17 8:13 am
Explain why the Schlieffen plan was designed.(the war which germany attack France )

Explain how the german policy between 1898 and 1914 contributed to the outbreak of world war 1.

Use your own word ,dont copy from the internet.thanks

回答 (2)

2006-10-22 5:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
After the Franco-prussian War,France was punished harshly,she ceded Alsace-Lorraine to Germany(Prussia).Germany was afraid that France would ally with countries to revenge.Thus,Germany signed the Three Emperors League.However, Franz Joseph(Austria-Hungary)discorded with Alexender II(Russia).Germany supported Austria-Hungary,so the Three Emperors League was destroied,Germany sigded the Triple Alliance to defend France.In1914, Sarajevo assassination was happened.Austria got German unconditional support(the blank cheque).Austria sent an ultimatum to Serbia on 23 July.Serbia rejected Austrian demand.Austria invaded Serbia. Russia and France supported Serbia and sent soldiers. Germany also sent soldiers to support Austria. Germany designed the Schlieffen plan.
The Schlieffen plan said that Germany got across Belgium to invade France firstly and then defended Russia. Germany invaded Belgium which destroied the Treaty of Lonton. Owing to maintain Belgium, Britain sent soldiers to helped France.
The Schlieffen plan leaded to the WW I outbreak directly.
參考: me
2006-10-17 10:18 am
第一,係法國戰後的迅速恢復,及後來法俄同盟的結果。這個戰略本身是以彈性防禦為主,首先以良好的機動性兵種突擊法國防線,逼使法國求和,然後再集中兵力和俄國打硬戰。當時背景是在日俄戰爭後,俄國的國力被認為是連日本也打不過。因此,施先生才構思出這套戰略,避免受到兩邊戰線的困擾。後來Moltke 的revised version卻是針對兩邊戰線所作的調整。

1898 至 1914,要講既係得罪英國,要爭取殖民地,打亂成個Europe既Balance of Power,其次就係對奧國重視和放棄沙俄,令Triple Entente 得以成形。再者就是強調強烈的nationalism。

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