why now no people play the icq?

2006-10-17 6:42 am
why now no people play the icq?

回答 (3)

2006-10-17 6:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
2006-10-17 6:57 am
People in Hong Kong like to try new things. When MSN appeared, people wanted to try. When a person started using MSN, his friends would also use. Then more and more people used MSN. And eventually fewer and fewer people use ICQ.
2006-10-17 6:52 am
Firstly because MSN does more promotion in HK, e.g. a bank promotes a MSN credit card ( I show that ad in MK).

Secondly MSN is more customerized than ICQ. People can choose their own icons, both for personal pic and word arts. It is also noticable that there are games and whiteboard in MSN, which makes it more attractive to youngsters.

Thirdly, video conferencing/ sharing is the trend of knowledge transferral. With the advantage of having video calls, MSN appears more favorrable.

Fourthly, MSN provides a large variety of service, such as MSN space. This allows people to enjoy many kinds of service with just a simple IM software.

Last but not least, MSN is more user-friendly than ICQ. Most of the people will choose the chinese version of MSN. But this is not the case for ICQ. As I know, many of my friends are still using 2003b / English version.

IN the future, MSN is going to develop in rocket speed. Subservice will be launched and more people will be using it.
參考: www.msn.com.hk

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 19:04:33
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