a good value for money 不是物超所值嗎?

2006-10-17 6:33 am
剛有一個最「佳」答案出現, 令我感到遺憾. 因為最「佳」回答者在看過本人提供的劍橋字典解釋後, 竟仍堅持 a good value for money 的意思不是物超所值, 而是物有所值. 其解釋如下:

「Cambrigde Dictionary: good value (for money = a lot was offered for the amount of money paid. 這並非物超所值。何况物有所值已是一個帶有褒意的形容詞。」


本人不明的是, 以上字典解釋為何不是指物超所值? 難道換取「等值」的價品, 會用 「a lot 」來形容嗎? 本人現再引用 Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English 的一例來供大家參考, 希望大家分析一下, 究竟意思是否物超所值?

The lunch SPECIAL is really good value.

for money 是 optional 的


********************************************************************** 請大家回答時, 不要只看問題便即答, 希望大家可以仔細一點 看清楚我反對他的答案的理據, 最好自己也查查好的字典, 及問問外籍老師/朋友才作答. (maybe im too demanding) **********************************************************************


GJ: 謝謝回應... (1) 雖然你的分析有「理」, 但語言是以主流使用者約定俗成為基礎的, 是有很多主觀成份的, 所以有很多 grammar 及 usage 都不是講「理由」的. 我的意思是, good value for money 是主觀的「抵買」, 只要「說話者覺得」是抵便已可以用的了. (2) 之前我是靠自己的常識再加字典的定義和例句, 來肯定第一位回答者說「物超所值」是恰當的 (我可以同意物「有」所值都可以解抵買, 但不能同意他所說, 指「超」字是太過份, 並將 a lot 解作 「多」的意思視若無睹), 之後,我請教一些外籍朋友,我更相信原先的理解是正確的.


nuke: (1) im NOT saying that ONLY good value means 超. what i mean is that person shouldnt have rejected it. got it? (2) if TWO sources tell us two dif. meanings, shall we consult native speakerS instead of using a HKgers own common sense (which is not reliable at all in this case)?


nuke: (1) i think u, gj, and i also agree that 「good value」is a possible choice, so we should have said 「no」to the one who insisted 「good value」is wrong (pls refer to the link above).


(2) i think asking ordinary native speakerS should be enough (if dict. by linguists not reliable), & guess u meant UNDERESTIMATE instead of undermine, didnt u?


SADLY.... (1) as we all know, its been said that local peoples (including college students) eng standards are far from satisfactory. it just sounds weird if one claims that a local guy should trust his own sense MORE than a dict. or native speakers.


(2) i didnt ask this question to offend you, but to express my disappointment over the situation that someone (not you!) has insisted that ONLY his interpretation is correct. (3) its not just a game if his 「knowledge」 is passed over to those who believe him.


(4) im from hk too and theres no point arguing that i criticise hk ppl for 「upgrading」 myself. its just sensible to trust foreigners more when learning their language.


(5) still undermine? did you mean 「look someone down or show contempt for someone」. i do hope you LOOK UP the word undermine to check whether its properly used.


correction: (3) passed on


首先希望可以弄清楚, 以下是否我們的並識: (1) value for money, 及 good value for money, 都可以解 物有所值. (2) good value for money, 亦可以解 物超所值. (3) 要否定good value for money只可以解作物有所值是不沿當的. 如果兩位都認同以上1-3, 根本就沒有必要繼續爭論有關good value的部分了.


至於undermine一字, 請恕在下孤陋寡聞. 只知可以此字用來講一個人暗地裡做些破壞工作; 說一些話影響別人的自信心, 挖掘地道, 但何謂「undermine香港人的英語能力」? 還是我查考的「字典s」都不及兩位的語文觸角及能力?


please dont take offence, but supporting with REASONS is essential...... actually what you quoted is a GOOD sentence:「the current obsession with acquiring English may also undermine competence in the national language」 I suppose the above sentence was given by a Chinese who thought that:


現時的(港)人對學習英語「趨之若騖(?)」, 這種過分追求的態度可能也不知不覺間, 漸漸地影響(破壞)了自己的母語能力. BUT what do you mean by 某一個人不應undermine香港人的英語能力? last night i asked an eng teacher (i quoted the exacting wording, no distortion) and she also thought you might wish to express underestimate.


sorry i didnt read the source, so gotta change the translation to: 中國人 instead of 港人


the point is 「not who wrote what」BUT what you really mean by 我們不應undermine香港人的英語能力?

回答 (5)

2006-10-24 9:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I understand your concern about the use of good value, and asked some friends overseas to confirm the answer. I hope I can make things simple, no matter who WAS right or wrong:

(1) To describe the price “reasonable”:
value for money [GOOD VALUE for money ALSO OKAY]
inexpensive [use it only if the amount of money is small]

(2) To describe the price “lower / much lower than expected”:
(a) good/great value (for money)
a (real) bargain
a steal [might sound too informal]

(3) As for under-priced:
Correct, but --
you had better hyphenate it;
talk about stock market stuff (e.g. underpriced options/IPO);
sometimes disapproving in meaning, so NOT RECOMMENDED

So, good value for money is a very common _expression although there are other ways to describe prices. I suggest all learners search how Westerners use good value on the Internet also.
2017-02-21 1:49 pm
Good Value Of Money
2008-09-18 5:27 am
The website can help you.
www.money128.biz and www.fast-beauty.6289.us
2006-10-17 8:43 pm

value (for money) = 抵買
good value (for money) = 好抵買
best value (for money) = 極之抵買
e.g. this is a value buy.

另外,value for money 亦解作衡工量值,如value-for-money audit, 衡工量值審計。

2006-10-18 09:17:49 補充:
Cambridge Dictionary is certainly not the only good dictionary and it’s not a rule book.

2006-10-18 09:20:00 補充:
If you look at http://www.mdx.ac.uk/purchasing/supply/code.htm, it says “... Contracting Code of Practice. The overall aim is to obtain the best "Value for Money". That is the goods/services shall be of ... and affordable.”

2006-10-18 09:21:03 補充:
It just describes “best value for money” as affordable. If good value is 物超所值,what is best value then? what is affordable then?

2006-10-18 09:53:44 補充:
Consulting a native speaker won‘t help, you need to ask a linguist. And pls do not undermine the English competency of Hong Kong people.

2006-10-19 09:41:24 補充:
I‘m not sure if you’re just underestimating or in fact undermining. At the end of the day, it‘s just a game, don’t take it too seriously and personally.

2006-10-20 11:37:02 補充:
gjhgdf, thank you for supporting.Ken, language is a living thing, not a looking-up. Pls see this:“...the current obsession with acquiring English may also undermine competence in the national language."http://education.guardian.co.uk/tefl/story/0,5500,1332331,00.html

2006-10-20 13:49:53 補充:
If you have the time to read the source, you‘ll know it was written by Chris Gill.Let’s call it a day.
2006-10-17 8:13 am
你當成是「物有所值」或「物超所值」也是可以的, 主要視乎你所指的「值」是甚麼.

Good value for money 是和 bargain 有著近乎一樣的意思. 若你翻閱各主要字典, 你會發現在註釋內都多會有 money 這字, 也即是說是以「金錢價值」來衡量. 而這和廣東話的「抵買」最接近.

但若你是指金錢以外的價值呢? 那 good value for money 或 bargain 雖然都勉強可以, 但略感不足.

例如你參觀電腦展, 見到很多價錢和規格都不同的電腦; 而假設最後你買了一部你認為價錢「最抵」的. 這算是一個基於「物有所值」的購物嗎? 又或者你買了一部同樣規格但價錢貴得多的 Hello Kitty 電腦, 其價錢雖並非「最抵」但對於超級 Hello Kitty 迷的你一樣有可能會覺得「物有所值」喎! 不是嗎?

此例子正道出「價值」是很主觀的. 單憑金錢的角度不能夠代表所有人的睇法. 何況這個世界上有很「抵買」但「價值」不足的貨物, 例如大割價但行將過氣的款式.

重用前一段的例子: 若以「價值」而非「價錢」來看, 「抵買機」的機主和「Hello Kitty」都可能覺得他們買得「物有所值」; 現在假設在買機半年後 Windows 推出新版本, 個廠商主動聯絡兩為買家話可以幫他們免費「升級」. 這個情況不正是「物超所值」嗎? 因為當初雙方雖然以不同的「價值觀」去主導他們的選擇, 但根本就沒有想到廠商咁好會有咁既優惠, 實在已經「超過原來的價值了」.

所以, 若要譯「物超所值」, 我認為用 worth more than its price 會更加貼切, 因為用了 worth 「價值」來和 price 「價錢」作出一個分野. 同樣地,「物有所值」用 worth (或 worthy of) its price 也可以啊.

姑勿論你同意我的譯文與否, 我覺得與其爭拗 good value for money 是「物?所值」, 倒不如研究有沒有其它更貼切的譯法吧.

2006-10-18 01:04:25 補充:
如我第一句所說, 你想 gvfm 等如「物’n’所值」都得, 因為’n’很主觀而且要視乎言者的原意. 你說你問過外國人, 那我們可以假設你用英文問的; 你是問一些曾用 gvfm 的人 did u mean it was ”worth more than the price”, or ”worth every cent you paid” 嗎? 問題的杜撰是會影響回答者的答案的. 而根據我有限的常識, 日常生活裡兩個意思都有人用的. 晚安.

2006-10-19 16:08:43 補充:
你聽過 full value for your money 未? 係咪「物有所值」? 那麼難道 good full 所以變「超」? 但係咁樣去「度」係鑽牛角尖, 你要問幾多人先算係 representative sample (size)? 再拗冇意思的, 主要係要睇*實際*用 gvfm 的人係咩意思囉.另外, nukemichi 係指 undermine 冇錯. 我完全明白佢想講乜, 唔係 underestimate, 亦唔係 look down 或 contempt 咁強烈.

2006-10-19 16:09:54 補充:
我真係好憎 Yahoo 成日都出唔到 D symbol!!上文應該係... good > full

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