
2006-10-17 6:20 am
我想找一部有關保險的電影, 最好跟保險犯罪有關的電影 , 因為我想利用課堂的時間放給學生看, 並請學生討論, 請問誰可以幫幫我

回答 (2)

2006-10-17 9:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
How Abt JOHN Q?? Starring By Danzel Washington!!
John Quincy Archibald*s son Michael collapses while playing baseball as a result of heart failure. John rushes Michael to a hospital emergency room where he is informed that Michael*s only hope is a transplant. Unfortunately, John*s INSURANCE wont cover his son*s transplant. Out of options, John Q. takes the emergency room staff and patients hostage until hospital doctors agree to do the transplant.

Hope It Helps!!
2006-10-17 6:44 am
有一套片, 係摩登龍爭虎斗
有關保險的電影, 而且跟保險犯罪有關 , 不過亦是三級片, 有女仔為多些保單而失身, 亦有保險的光怪陸離. 記憶中沒有太多除衫畫面.
哈哈, 其他的似乎沒有...

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