[URGENT]香港 貨幣供應 M1 ,M2 ,M3 ((15點 ))

2006-10-17 6:03 am
Q1) IF小金將媽媽給予的$800 支票交給學校作為學,而校內書記再將支票存入學 校在持牌銀行開設的儲蓄帳戶內,這會怎樣影響貨幣供應 M1,M2 & M3? 試加以解釋 。

Q2) 在HK,李先生從BANK A 的儲蓄帳戶提取 $300000。他將其中 50%存入某接受存款公司,又經銀行將另外20%匯款往外國,又將餘下的錢存放在BANK B的保險箱內。 上述情況會怎樣影響貨幣供應 M1,M2 & M3? 試加以解釋 。

唔該幫幫手YA =]

唔好意思YA,,,可以用中文回答 MA!?

回答 (2)

2006-10-17 8:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
We shall use these definitions to answer these questions.
M1 = Cp + Dd
M2 = M1 + Ds + Dt(banks) + CD(banks)
M3 = M2 + Dt(RLB) + Dt(DTC) + CD(RLB) + CD(DTC)
Cp = Public circulation
Dd = Demand deposit
Ds = Saving deposit
DTC = deposit-taking company
the others are not neccessary to answer these questions.

Question 1:
At the beginning, there is a $800 cheque, which is in demand deposits.
This value is included in M1, M2 and M3. (M1 = Cp + Dd)
At the end, the $800 is put in the saving account of a licensed bank.
As M1 does not include Ds, M1 therefore decreases by $800.
As M2 includes Ds, M2 and M3 have no change.

Question 2:
At the beginning, there is a saving deposit of $300000.
This value is not included in M1, but is included in M2 and M3.
When 50% of the money is put in a deposit-taking company,
M1 will not change because initally the saving deposit is not included in M1.
M2 will decrease by $150000 because deposit with DTC is not included in M2.
M3 will not change because it includes the $150000.
When 20% of the money is remitted,
M1 will not change because initally the saving deposit is not included in M1.
M2 and M3 will decrease by $60000 because money is remitted.
When 30% (the rest) of the money is put in a safe.
M1 will increase by $90000 beause money in a safe is considered public circulation.
M2 and M3 will not change because they include M1.
After these three actions, we can conclude that,
M1 will increase by $90000.
M2 will decrease by $210000.
M3 will decrease by $60000.

In the examination you of course don't need to write that long, I'm just trying to make things simple and clear to you.

Demand deposits - 活期存款
Saving deposits - 儲蓄存款
Licensed banks - 持牌銀行
Deposit-taking company - 接受存款公司

2006-10-21 14:56:22 補充:

2006-10-21 15:13:35 補充:
簡單以中文補充。第一題$800支票是活期存款,包含在M1,M2和M3裡。如果存了到儲蓄戶口,M1就會減少$800,因為M1不包含儲蓄存款。第二題30萬的是儲蓄存款,包含在M2和M3裡,可是不包含在M1。將50%之款項存到接受存款公司,會造成M2減少50% = 15萬。M1原本不包含這筆;而M3有包含接受存款公司的存款。將20%之款項匯到外國,會造成M2和M3減少20% = 6萬。M1原本不包含這筆。將30%之款項存入保險箱,會造成M1增加30% = 9萬。M2和M3原本已包含這筆。以上總合,M1增加9萬,M2減少21萬,M3減少6萬。
參考: CE ECON Syllabus - A(a)
2006-10-20 5:47 am

(匯款往外國的$60000不計算在香港 貨幣供應)
參考: 自己諗...

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