physics (mechanics)

2006-10-17 3:42 am
A car accelerates uniformly along a straight line from 6ms^-1 to 12 ms^-1 in 3s

sketch a speed-time graph for the car.

可以以文字寫出來, 我只要個類似的答案, 但要準確

回答 (2)

2006-10-17 3:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
acceleration a=(12-6)/3=2 ms^-2
the graph is
two point at (0,6) (3,12) respectively
draw them with a straight line
the slope should be 2

2006-10-16 19:47:30 補充:
應該0甘寫draw a straight line pass throught (0,6) (3,12)

2006-10-16 20:03:12 補充:
the unit of x-axis is t/sthe unit of y-axis is v/ms^-1
2006-10-17 3:47 am


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