一些詞語的英文 ..... {10 分}

2006-10-17 3:27 am
我想問一問 .....
[溝女] 的英文是什麼 ???
[女] 的英文是什麼 ???
[上堂] 的英文是什麼 ???
[古惑] 的英文是什麼 ???
[眸子] 的英文是什麼 ???
[差緊電] 的英文是什麼 ???
[香港人] 的英文是什麼 ???
[二五仔] 的英文是什麼 ???
[反骨仔] 的英文是什麼 ???
[人裙底] 的英文是什麼 ???

不是需要交功課的,只是我想知道 ......
希望你們能夠完全的回答,Thanks you all =]

回答 (3)

2006-10-30 4:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
[溝女] : to flirt with a girl

[女] 我估計妳想話 [汲女] : to check out girls(美加果邊常用既口語)

[上堂] : to attend a class(lecture), to go to class(lecture)
[上一堂] : last class(lecture)

[古惑] 英文上冇一個實際上既解釋, 差唔多意思既有furtive, cunning, crafty, wicked, 等

[眸子] : the eye, the pupil of the eye

[差緊電] : charging, charging up the battery.

[香港人] : Hongkongese(有少少貶義,係d英國佬整出黎既), people from Hong Kong.

[二五仔] : a traitor, a turncoat, a betrayer, a renegade

[反骨仔] 中文同英文上其實都同[二五仔]差唔多意思.

[人裙底] : 係[揭人裙底]定係[裝人裙底]呢?
[揭人裙底] : 最相近既意思係lifting up someone's skirt
[裝人裙底] : [裝人] = to peek, to peep(at), to steal a glance at
最相近既意思係to peep at someone's underwear, to peep at someone's skirt bottom

2006-10-30 08:31:51 補充:
再加少少dictionary :P
參考: myself
2006-10-29 12:15 am
溝女] 的英文是 to mag a girl/ to flirt with a girl
[女] 的英文是 scoping a girl/ the girls
[上堂] 的英文是 to take a class/ to take a lesson
[古惑] 的英文是 sneaky
[眸子] 的英文是 eye/ vision
[差緊電] 的英文是 charging/ to charge
[香港人] 的英文是 Hongkongese/ Hongkong people
[二五仔] 的英文是 traitor/ betrayer
[反骨仔] 的英文是 backstabber
[人裙底] 的英文是 peeking under sb's skirt/ peeping Tom (eg. He is a peeping Tom)
2006-10-17 3:39 am
上.堂..have lessons/上次的堂..last lesson
差緊電...making energy/save energy
香港人...the people who live in hong kong

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