
2006-10-17 2:30 am
Choose the correct phrasal verbs.Use the correct form.

1.put on 2.go up 3.turn on 4.get up
1.Chang-O started to __________.(rise)
2.Jane ___________ put on (wears) a new dress on her birthday.
3.I ___________ (get out of bed) at six o'clock every day.
4.Ben ___________(start) the fan , please.It's very hot.



回答 (3)

2006-10-17 2:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.go up
2.put on
3.get up
4.turn on

2006-10-16 18:34:11 補充:
1.Chang-O started to go up.(rise)2.Jane put on (wears) a new dress on her birthday.3.I get up (get out of bed) at six o'clock every day.4.Ben turn on (start) the fan , please.It's very hot.

2006-10-16 18:34:32 補充:
1.Chang-O started to go up.(rise)2.Jane put on (wears) a new dress on her birthday.3.I get up (get out of bed) at six o'clock every day.4.Ben turn on (start) the fan , please.It's very hot.

2006-10-16 18:41:09 補充:
put on eg:He put on his jacket.get upeg:I got up at five o'clock this morning!

2006-10-16 18:44:01 補充:
正確是:get upeg:I got up at five o' clock this morning!

2006-10-16 18:48:40 補充:
2006-10-17 2:39 am
1.put on
3.get up
4.turn on
2006-10-17 2:35 am
1. go up (rise)
2. puts on (wear)
3. get up (get out of bed)
4. turns on (start)

** Pay attention to Q#2 and Q#4 - should add "s" or "es" because you are talking about Jane/ Ben - a person!!


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