
2006-10-17 1:39 am
請問搭飛機到英國manchester.約晚上十一回點到達....容唔容易由airport 搭到的士去hotel呢?? or better book the Hotel 客車limousine 但好貴 (from airport to Hotel) 好d ?

晚上的manchester, 會唔會無mum人....定是會好似香港咁愈夜愈多人??


回答 (3)

2006-10-17 8:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
there will be black cab outside the airport, very safe, just make sure you have some change with you, ie 20GBP notes...

Manchester is a big city, and the new UK law allow all the pub open till 3 in the morning, so it will be quit busy, but the weather is getting cold la....

have a good trip!
參考: I live in UK....
2006-10-17 8:05 am
可以坐的士到city centre,可在information處book cab.(的士),也許有機場巴士到city centre。十一時後所有地方都很靜,酒吧都差不多關門了。歐洲地方入夜後不似香港,如星期日就更靜。歐洲人都喜愛家庭生活。
2006-10-17 1:51 am
基本上唔要洒店車...airport outside 都有 Taxi 同 Cab...

參考: 自己

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