
2006-10-17 1:02 am

e.g nececcary
it is necessary for peter to take him for a walk every day.


係好似上面個咁.......要有 ( for 咩 )!!句句都係咁作......



回答 (2)

2006-10-17 1:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
It is necessary for Peter to take him for a walk every day.

possible.....importa nt.....unwise....... ..expensive......... .fun.......nice..... ..good.

It is possible for John to do the work for his friend today.
It is important for you to study hard for the examination tommorrow.
It is unwise for Mary to buy a warehouse for just three month's storage of goods.
It is expensive for the children to play in the Disneyland for a holiday.
It is fun for the kids to enjoy in the Wonderland for Tiffany's birthday.
It is nice for Jimmy to show the films to us for the life of animals.
It is good for grandfather to have a walk every moning for his health.

2006-10-17 1:07 am
你句例句係百搭嘅, i.e.:
It is possible for Peter to take him for a walk everyday.
It is important for Peter to take him for a walk everyday.
It is unwise for Peter to take him for a walk everyday.
It is expensive for Peter to take him for a walk everyday.
It is fun for Peter to take him for a walk everyday.
It is nice for Peter to take him for a walk everyday.
It is good for Peter to take him for a walk everyday.


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