
2006-10-17 12:15 am

我係要德國漢莎.. LUFTHANSA

回答 (5)

2006-10-17 5:56 pm
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Moving moments in a company's lifetime: Lufthansa from infancy to the present-day. The first passengers use a ladder to climb into the Fokker-Grulich FII. Today's passengers check in on the Internet or with a WAP-enabled mobile phone...

1926:Lufthansa owes its origins to "Deutsche Luft Hansa Aktiengesellschaft" (renamed "Lufthansa" in 1933), which is formed from a merger between "Deutsche Aero Lloyd" (DAL) and "Junkers Luftverkehr" on January 6. The new airline inherits its crane logo, designed by "Deutsche Luft-Reederei" in 1919, from DAL, the blue-and-yellow house colours from Junkers.
It commences scheduled flights on April 6 with a fleet of 162 aircraft, of 18 different types. A flying expedition to China is the event of the year.

1927-1930:Following its acquisition of shares in 1926 in the German-Russian "Dereluft" airline, which was founded in 1921, Lufthansa is influential in the founding of the Spanish Iberia, the Brazilian "Syndicato Condor" and the Chinese "Eurasia" airlines.

1934:Lufthansa opens the first trans-oceanic, scheduled airmail service across the South Atlantic. Between 1936 and 1938, it also experiments with scheduled air services across the North Atlantic.

1939-1945:After substantial expansion of the route network in 1939—including flights to Bangkok and Santiago de Chile—wartime air services, except for a few European countries, are suspended. All flights are discontinued in 1945 and Lufthansa goes into receivership and is finally wound up and struck from the Berlin commercial register in 1965.

1951-1955:The Federal Transport Minister sets up a working committee in 1951 to prepare for the resumption of air traffic in postwar Germany and entrusts the job of implementation to "Büro Bongers", the office headed by Hans M. Bongers, the traffic chief of the old Lufthansa in Cologne. A new company to run air services and named "Aktiengesellschaft für Luftverkehrsbedarf" (Luftag) is founded in Cologne on January 6, 1953. The company changes its name to the more traditional "Deutsche Lufthansa Aktiengesellschaft" in 1954, and resumes scheduled flights on April 1, 1955.

1990:Lufthansa resumes flights to Berlin 45 years after the end of World War Two following Germany's reunification.

1992-1997:Lufthansa masters its worst-ever economic crisis with a sweeping rehabilitation programme. The airline, largely owned by the state, is privatised step by step. Its MRO, cargo and IT businesses are spun off as independent companies.

1997-2001:The Lufthansa Aviation Group equips itself for the new millenium, training its focus on innovation and quality. Placement of orders for 15 Airbus A380 megaliners charts the airline’s path into the future.

2002- 2005:Even during times of crisis in the aviation industry, Lufthansa remains on the ascent: With the “Future European Operations“ programme, the airline reorganises its regional markets, while gaining new partner airlines to expand the Star Alliance global route network. Passengers enjoy greater comfort in a completely revamped Business Class with fast broadband Internet connectivity in the aircraft cabin.

2005:Lufthansa celebrates the 50th anniversary of the new Lufthansa following its postwar re-entry into the airline community. SWISS is integrated as an independent airline in the Lufthansa Group. Its integration consolidates Lufthansa’s position among Europe’s leading network carriers.

For more information of aircrafts, Star Alliance, you can check website of Lufthansa

2006-10-17 09:58:56 補充:
My favourite airline to EUROPE
2006-10-17 8:15 am
德國漢莎航空(LUFTHANSA)成立於1926年, 由德國兩間航空企業DEUTSCHE AERO LLOYD(DAL)及容克斯(JUNKERS LUFTVERKEHR)合併而成, 為現時全球最長壽航空公司之一.
LUFTHANSA中, LUFT係德文航空之意, HANSA是中世紀主宰北歐及德意志地區城鎮商貿之漢莎同盟.
1926年時漢莎已有162架飛機, 甚至成功試航飛到中國, 1930年更通過收購及與外國合作, 先後在蘇聯, 西班牙, 巴西及中國設立附屬或聯盟公司, 包括西班牙航空(IBERIA)及與民國政府合辦的歐亞航空.
當時漢莎身處於一次大戰戰敗後的德國威瑪共和時期, 擁有高科技成就(包括航空)的德國完全被繳械, 被禁設立空軍.
不久希特拉的納粹黨上台, 利用德國強大的工業界偷偷重新武裝, 並於1939年發動二次大戰; 呢批企業包括平治, 寶馬, 西門子, 容克斯, 當然包括漢莎; 戰後呢批企業都被視為納粹幫凶.
二次大戰後德國被盟軍佔領, 並分裂成兩個國家; 西德政府1953年重辦民航事業, 由漢莎舊臣統籌LUFTAG公司; 當時東德政府的航空公司想佔用LUFTHANSA一名, 令兩德發生外交爭拗, 最後東德航空改名為INTERFLUG, 但就嚴禁漢莎航機飛入西柏林. 一直至1990年德國統一為止.
2006-10-17 12:29 am
Well... That depence what kind of information you want... In most case, you can find them on airlines website...
And you got the oldest airlines still in operation KLM: www.klm.com
And there are many more airlines website which you will be able to find their history/background information and their operation... For a list of many different airlines from all over the world... Check is website: www.air-dir.com/?id=2696
2006-10-17 12:28 am

You may click the below web site:


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