
2006-10-17 12:06 am
謝謝, Thanks!~

咁如果我寄郵包過去, 係唔係都係一樣唔得!!!

回答 (2)

2006-10-17 12:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
yes, 花旗參 is NOT allowed into Australia. The Australian Government doesn't allow any food items to be imported into the country without quarantee. If you hand carry this stuff in, they will make you throw it away at customs.

They are especially sensitive towards tree/plant too so 花旗參 is highly prohibited.
2006-10-17 12:31 am
Yes, you may , but you must have very clear description printed on the packaging. The seal must be good. and when shaking it, it should not have 花旗參的渣滓 inside the packaing.

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