
2006-10-16 4:44 pm
Hi 各位
最近要見工, 但有兩句英文不知什講, 請各位幫忙翻譯

- 被人"刮角"
- 為自己將來發展

回答 (3)

2006-10-16 9:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
挖角英文叫 poach,唔好以為烚蛋先叫 poach,poach 可解 侵入他人地界偷獵(或偷捕);偷獵;偷捕。在人力市場,poach是挖角的正式英文。Headhunt則專指被獵頭公司 headhunt 獵頭過去,poach 可以透過獵頭公司,也可以不透過獵頭公司。
被人挖角: I was poached by XXX Company.
For my career development.....
For my own career development......
For the sake of my own career development......
For my personal development.......(冇咁好,personal 一字已淪為cliche)
要注意可不用加 in the future來表達將來發展,it is understood.
例: For my own career development, I have decided to quit the job.
如果寫成: For my own career development in the future, I have decided to quit the job,則有點clumsy。
Gook luck, pal.

2006-10-19 12:02:30 補充:
I repeat: if you use the word "headhunt", there must be a headhunter involved.By the way, I don't think "poach" means anything negatives these days in the job market. I myself have been poached several times and I am not ashamed of using this word.

2006-10-19 12:03:06 補充:
I repeat: if you use the word headhunt, there must be a headhunter involved.By the way, I don't think poach means anything negatives these days in the job market. I myself have been poached several times and I am not ashamed of using this word.

2006-10-19 12:03:54 補充:
Of course, if you were really headhunted by a headhunter, use headhunt.
2006-10-20 12:30 am
GOOD!!! 加油!!!
2006-10-19 6:45 pm
poach 帶有貶義,headhunt 比較好一點。
- I was headhunted to join xxx.

- for my future attainment

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