Urgent! Please translate to English

2006-10-16 8:27 am
你好! .我是新同事, B 君已離職了,有什麼事,我或其他可以幫到你.

回答 (10)

2006-10-16 9:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hi, I am the new joiner, Mr. B has already resigned, if you need anything or have any problems, other colleagues or I will be there to assist/help you.


Hi, I am the new joiner, Mr. B has already resigned. Other colleagues or myself would be your helping hands if you need anything.


Hi, I am the new joiner, Mr. B has already resigned. Is there anything that other colleagues or I can be of help.


Sorry to give u diff version, cos I am not sure when you will say the above. If you are telling s'one that you and others will be helping out, the first one and the second one both will do. But if you are asking whether there is anything that you and others can offer help, use the last one.
2006-10-16 11:54 pm
Hi, this is (your name). kindly noted that B has already left this company, please let me know if there is anything me and my colleague can help.
2006-10-16 11:18 pm
Hello! I am a new staff, B has already resigned, what we can help you.

2006-10-16 10:01 pm
Hello everyone. I am a new staff. Since B is already resigned, you may find me or other colleagues for any help.

2006-10-16 14:03:05 補充:
should be has already resigned....sorry,typing mistake
2006-10-16 9:06 pm
Hi, I am xxx. I take over B's job recently. Please contact me or my teammates for any issue relating to our department. Thanks.

2006-10-16 13:08:39 補充:
出現亂碼, 試下睇吾睇到:I take over B's job
2006-10-16 3:37 pm
How are you! I am a new colleague, Mr B has already resighed, Is there anything that other colleagues or I can be of help!
2006-10-16 9:28 am
Hello. My name is Diamond Chan.
I`m a new employee here.
Mr B has already left this company.
Is there anything I ( or we ) can help you ?

2006-10-16 01:32:34 補充:
to make it simple....the last sentence can simply be : Is there anything we can help you ?I think that`ll be good enough.
2006-10-16 8:37 am
Hello ! I am a new staff member, Mr. B has already resigned, what is the problem, maybe I or other people can offer any assistance.
2006-10-16 8:33 am
Hello! I was the new colleague, Mr. B left job, had any matter, I or
other were allowed to help you
2006-10-16 8:31 am
Hi, I am newcomer [Ms A], Mr B has resigned already, may I or other colleagues can help you?

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