How are you meant to reply to "What's up?!"?

2006-10-16 7:05 am
As in a way of saying Hey!, not why are you upset.
My friends say it to me and I feel awkward when replying.

回答 (41)

2006-10-16 7:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
i totally understand your situation..just answer with hey or your cholesterol fatty!!
i don't know its awkward
2006-10-16 7:08 am
Oh, God! I'd really love to know, because I often don't know how to respond, and this has been going on for like, 10 years!!! I usually say "not much" because I don't know what to say. I know it's a way of saying "hey, how are you?" but you can't really respond to "what's up?" by saying "good, and you?"!
2006-10-16 7:21 am
It depends on.....the weather...when they ask what's up you say umbrellas?!?, when its windy you might say my skirt if you're a girl and my tie if you're a guy.
......your mood....when asked and you're happy you'd say my frown (get it? it's now a smile since it's up) or when you're angry or sarcastic you'd go clouds, birds and the like.
......the person you're talking to....a what's up from a friend would almost immediately be combined with a handshake or a kiss. however for new acquiantances it could be a nod or a nothing much reply.
2006-10-16 7:09 am
Well usually I'm sarcastic and say "The cieling" or "The sky" but you can always stick with the whole "Nothing, Whats up with you?" routine, works just as good!
2006-10-16 7:27 am
I usually say "The sky" and they go huh and i repeat " What's up?" so reply is the sky!!!

Oh, another one - when a close friend trips such as trips over something such as fall down - say "Had a nice trip? See ya next fall.." and don't forget to help them up!

2006-10-16 7:17 am
Oh Plenty!!!! There is so much happening ... its crazy! How about you? :D This really has the asker stumped most times... Its a dumb question... prolly mainly asked to catch up on your life with the best intention. But I do find it facile.
2006-10-16 7:14 am
When bros say that to me, I respond with, "Jess chillin'" or something to that effect. Respond however you want. Whatever makes you comfortable and fits your personality.

BTW, hey baby, what's up?
2006-10-16 8:20 am
whats up means what r u doing....reply with nothin much just listening 2 music or just checking my mail or whatever ur doing
2006-10-16 7:09 am
My favorite thing to say is "whole lada jack nada" its a one of a kind phrase to combat the most used phrase ever
2006-10-16 7:27 am
Since they're really just saying "hello," I simply reply "hey," "hello," "not much," or "nothing."
2006-10-16 7:15 am
ok heres whats up.......
hard u know whats
if its early in the morning you could come back w/ ME lol
wassssssssssss upppppppppppp like wasssssss happppppennninngg

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