
2006-10-16 7:49 am
如果電子機票上的名稱沒有護照上的英文名:如CHAN TAI MAN, DAVID 只得 TAIMAN CHAN.會否在登機時出覝問題?

其實我張係聯合航空電子機票.在這裡出問題 Name(s) of people traveling: Passenger #1: TAIMAN CHAN 並無說明那個是姓那個是名 所以不知有否問題

回答 (4)

2006-10-16 8:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
機票上的名字一般係姓先後名. 即係 CHAN TAIMANDAVID
如果你手上面既機票係 TAIMAN CHAN, 咁就一定係打錯, 請聯絡航空公司或 AGENT... 如果係你自己打錯, 就冇辦法, 一定要改機票了... 費用當然係你比了
如果你機票上印 CHAN TAIMAN. 只係少左個英文名, 咁就沒有問題, 係可以上機的 !! 只要姓同名串法正確就可以了.
2006-10-16 8:44 am
Usually there shouldnt be a problem... But I would advice you to check with the airlines first to double check as different airlines may have different policy...
But in my experience, I didnt face any problem even when once I manage to type my family as my second name and my second name became my family... There was still no problem and mileage still got into my account...
In most case, you will only be turn down if the name on the ticket and the name on the passport are 2 different person and the name is totally different... Just a English name or not shouldnt make any different...
So I suggest you not have to worry too much... You should be alright but you could call the airlines to confirm that, but for sure they will say you have to change it so that they can get some money off you for changing passenger detail...
2006-10-16 8:14 am
Yes, can . but advise to UA you have this problem
UA tel: 2810 4888
2006-10-16 7:53 am
(你要present 返你本passport對名)

但若果你唔做..都應該可以checkin 到..但係過immigration 同 security check就會麻煩小小

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