僱主成日話要識excel 到底點先算識excel??

2006-10-16 7:47 am
僱主成日話要識excel 到底點先算識excel??僱主成日話要識excel 到底點先算識excel??


回答 (4)

2006-10-18 5:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Major software used in office are Word, Excel and Powerpoint. The basic function of those software are,

Word - major for typing letter

Excel - major provide powerful calculation function and reporting in worksheets format

Powerpoint - for presentation purpose

Excel is major on calculations and reporting, it provides multiworksheets with columns and rows in each worksheet. Each column and rows contents field call cells.

Calculation is not simply forumla such as + - x /, it also provide conditional calculations such as sum, if, lookup,..etc.

Reporting means setup a report by column or row within a paper or papers and presents to employer or other colleague.

Employer would like to employ person who must have basic concept in excel as above. The best way to learn is learning from working but you can buy books or enroll some basic course to learn from it.

As a merchandiser, your employer would like you to know how to set up list, how to add simple calculation, how to do a report..etc

If you have question when learning the excel, you can send me e-mail. I am happy to help.
2007-07-08 7:18 am
good person with good answer
2006-10-16 9:45 pm
咁可能要一d簡單既Excel Skills去support你完成都一份Profit and Loss Statement或者文書既野就可以,亦可能係做一dStatement Reconciliation,
2006-10-16 7:52 am

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