
2006-10-16 7:35 am

1你比錢我, 我就唔打你! (好惡)
2你死開啦, 阻住哂條路!(好惡)
5如果你唔放開我, 池d我一定會殺死你!

回答 (5)

2006-10-16 7:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.give me money or i will kill you!!!
2.fxck off man!!! no block my way
3.what the hell are u doing!?!?
4.let me go!!
5.let me go or i will kill you!!!
6. give it fxxckin back to me!!!
7. Rubbish!!damn it

2006-10-17 10:33:04 補充:
3.Are you alrite!?8.wt the fucx do u want!?9.wanna cut ur fxxkin' penis!!10) mind urself or...u will be killed terribly!!11) yo man~ hi~ hey~ 12) c u ~ gdbye~ gdbay,hv a nice day~

2006-10-17 10:33:14 補充:
13) plz don t to do this again...14) if u do it again,i will kill u!!!15) hey...hey....stop it...NO!!!
2006-10-17 3:11 pm
1. Pay me now, then i am not going after your ass
2. get da fcuk outta here, you are on my way.
3. what da hell is wrong with you?
4. let go ( don't say let me go, that is not slang)
5. if you don't let me go now, i am gonna pop you later.
6. just give da fcuk back to me.
7. you are such a loser.
8. what da ya want?
9. i wanna cut off your dick.
10. you better look after your ass or you will have serious consquences
11. whatzup, what up, hey, how's going, what da hell is happening there......
12. chao, adios, c ya, take care yourself........
13. i beg you don't start this crap again (or use shxt instead of crap)
14. if you keep this crap going, i am just gonna kill ya.
15. look! don't even~~~~~~~

講法有好多。 不過我諗我都應該幫到下你架啦
租兩隻的黑鬼黑社會片睇下。 一晚就學識。
2006-10-16 8:19 am
1 give me ur $,i will not bit u
2 get out
3 what the hell?
4 let me go
5 let me go,if not i will kill u
6 give me bk
7 u bull sh*t

P.S. u can add more words,e.g. :fu*k..sh*t..da*n......
2006-10-16 7:51 am

外國人通常講let go me
2006-10-16 7:41 am

1) Gimme your money, or else I am gonna kick your ass.
2) get the f**k outta my way.
3) You alright?
4) Let me go!
5) Let me go or I'm gonna kill you!
6) Give my sh*t back!
7) You a**hole!

2006-10-15 23:42:24 補充:
noone says rubbish in america.

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