有關 '道歉' 的英文問題 ~急~

2006-10-16 6:39 am
請問大家 " 不便之處, 敬請原諒" o既英文點講。好急~~ THX!!!! ★唔該哂★

回答 (6)

✔ 最佳答案
答得完整些,有禮貌些,要寫全寫,否則欠誠意, WE ARE 兩個字不可省。

We are sorry for any inconvenience caused.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Does Pat Robertson's apology, after calling for the assassination of Venezuela's president, satisfy you? ... No, and I apologize for that statement," Robertson said. "I spoke in frustration that we should accommodate the man who thinks ...
www.cnn.com/2005/US/08/24/robertson.chavez/ - 47k
2006-10-20 9:55 pm

Sorry if there's any inconvenience.
Sorry if I was in you way.

Formal 啲嘅會通常o係一啲公共地方嘅廣播聽到

xx apologize for any inconvenience caused.
xx=we, I, 一間公司名
參考: me~
2006-10-17 12:01 am
please accpet our sincere apology on any inconvenience caused
2006-10-16 7:00 am
Please excuse me/us if any inconvenience is caused.
2006-10-16 6:45 am
Apologize for any inconvenience caused.
2006-10-16 6:42 am
Sorry for any inconvience cause.

2006-10-15 22:44:28 補充:
Sorry for any inconvenience cause. Spelling mistake before!!

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