
2006-10-16 5:33 am

回答 (5)

2006-10-17 2:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
Click the Approach the shrine button at these times to get the item or upgrade that you want.

Speed: Every fifth second of the Minute EG: 21:20:05 NST

Defense: Every tenth second of the Minute EG: 21:20:10 NST

Strength: Every thirty Minutes of the hour EG: 21:30:00 NST

Endurance: Every hour of the day EG: 21:00:00 NST

Level: Every even (2, 4, 6, 8,...) hour of the day

Burnt Food: 11:00 - 12:00 NST

Dubloons: Every 55 seconds past the minute EG: 21:23:55 NST

10 Strength Points: Every 30 minutes past the hour (must be right on the second!) EG: 21:30:00 NST

2006-10-16 18:18:54 補充:
To know more,click on to It is english! )
參考: Other Neopet Master Guild...
2006-10-19 9:29 pm
go this
參考: me
2006-10-17 6:33 am
2006-10-16 10:56 pm
Everytime is not same.So i don't know.
參考: Me
2006-10-16 6:37 am
好隨機的 好既俾100m你lor
不過我玩到悶 而家玩墨香
我俾個ac你 我msn:[email protected]
可換墨香ac 25lv 要有300攻

2006-10-15 22:38:54 補充:
有時會冇 自己決定la

2006-10-15 22:49:49 補充:
參考: me~~~

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