
2006-10-16 5:11 am

  賣花女伊莉莎長得眉清目秀,但出身寒微,她每天必須到街上賣花,貼補家用。 閒暇時她總喜歡哼哼唱唱,一天伊莉莎甜美的嗓音引起了語言學家希金斯教授的注意,教授誇口只要經過他的訓練,賣花女也具有上流社會的氣息。伊莉莎認為這是很好的機會,就請教授培訓她。


相類似即可!!! 十萬火急



回答 (2)

2006-10-16 10:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Eliza is a decent-looking girl but was brought up in mean surroundings. She sells flowers on the street everyday so as to make her family's ends meet. One day, the sweet voice of Eliza has caught the attention of Higgins. Higgins, a professor of phonetics, bluffed that he could train Eliza and pass her off as a duchess. Eliza believed that it was a good opportunity for her so she asked the professor to give her lessons.
Pickering, a professor's companion, has wagered that if Higgins was able to transform Eliza into a lady within six months and not to be discovered by others in the ambassada's reception, he would pay for all the cost of training Eliza. The snobbish Higgins took on the challenge and started to teach Eliza manners and behaviours, starting from the prounications of alphabets...
參考: One of my favourite movies, My Fair Lady
2006-10-16 7:17 am
Translates the correct grammar following Chinese English!!
Translates the correct grammar following Chinese English!!

  Sells the flowered female Iraq Li sha to be much longer, but the family background is poor and lowly, she must arrive on every day the street to sell the flower, helps out with family expenses. When leisure she always likes groaning sings, a day Iraqi Li sha delightful voice brought to the linguist Professor Higgins's attention, professor boasted so long as passed through his training, sold the flower female also to have upper circles of society's breath. The Iraqi Li sha thought this is the very good opportunity, consults gives trains her.
  Professor friend Pickering therefore makes a bet with professor, but if the Iraqi Li sha the garden party is not seen through by renowned young woman virtuous young woman image attendance June ambassador by the human the truth, Pickering is willing to bear the Iraqi Li sha all training expense. Is conceited Higgins has accepted the challenge, he starts from the most basic letter pronunciation to teach, Professor Iraqi Li sha deportment, courtesy…

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