HKMA DMS + RMIT HR Degee vs HKU SPACE Tourism AdDip + Degree

2006-10-16 4:46 am
I want to finish a degree in a shortest time. Which one is better?

1 HKMA DMS + RMIT HR Degee ( How long does it take?)
2 HKU SPACE Tourism AdDip + Degree ( Aprox. 2 1/2 years)

I want to change to office work but I dont have office working experience (e.g. Admin or Sec.) and education backgroud, I heard that HKMA DMS is useful for business environment.

its easilier to finish a degree in tourism since its related to what I am working on tourism industry.

Which one should I study??

Thx for your reply. Studying business is better for the future, but I'm afraid if I can't handle the course. BTW, Which university is that? AD IN BUSINESS ? How much is it?

回答 (1)

2006-10-16 7:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
如果係想轉行又合必再去讀TOURISM呢?? 冇艾職工作經驗又冇商科學歷,轉工係難D,不過你唔怕由低做起都唔係一個大問題.....我係你就一定唔會讀SPACE,因為同自己想轉行既理念不符

HKMA DMS+ RMIT,大約三年就可以完成個DEGREE,不過RMIT係澳洲大學,所以...如果你FAIL就要全科俾過錢,冇得RE-EXAM既, 同埋佢上堂係一科上兩日半(星期五半日,星期六日全日), 因為RMIT既PROFESSOR會飛黎香港教,佢地就走就要上網問功課喇

我朋友而家讀緊一間係升英國大學既,只要有廿五歲有五年工作經驗就可以讀AD IN BUSINESS, 完成個DEGREE都係兩年到,如果你想知多D就EMAIL我啦

[email protected]

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