
2006-10-16 2:34 am

回答 (4)

2006-10-16 2:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
statue=an image of a person or animal that is made in solid material such as stone or metal and is usually large

glimps=a quick look at someone or something that does not allow you to see them clearly

soot=black powder that is produced when something is burnt

mines=a deep hole or holes in the ground that people dig so that they can remove coal, gold, tin etc

parliment=the group of people who are elected to make a country's laws and discuss important national affairs
參考: ,,
2006-10-16 3:00 am
Definition: three-dimensional image: a three-dimensional image of a human being or animal that is sculpted, modeled, cast, or carved

glimps:a blush

Definition: black dust given off by fire: a black powdery form of carbon produced when coal, wood, or oil is burned, which rises up in fine particles with the flames and smoke

mines:noun (plural mines)
1. hole in ground for extracting minerals: an excavated area from which minerals, often in the form of ore, are extracted
2. mineral-excavating business: the industrial and commercial buildings, machinery, and personnel used to work a mine
3. mineral deposit: an area underground or at ground level where there is a deposit of ore, minerals, or precious stones
4. source: a rich source of something, especially information
a mine of information
5. hidden explosive: an explosive device concealed underground or underwater that detonates on contact with a person, vehicle, or ship
6. military tunnel under enemy territory: a tunnel dug under enemy territory in order to gain entry, undermine fortifications, or lay explosives
7. zoology insect burrow: a tunnel made by a burrowing insect or larva, especially in a plant leaf

1. legislative body: a nation's legislative body, made up of elected and sometimes nonelected representatives
2. assembly of parliament: an assembly of a parliament, created following an election and dissolved before the next election
2006-10-16 2:43 am
statue:a graven image
glimps:a blush
soot:to feel embarrassed
mines:a torpedo
2006-10-16 2:37 am

2006-10-15 18:37:57 補充:

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