我想要d 有關德國ge 文化資料呀(英文)~help me

2006-10-16 1:42 am
我想要d 有關德國ge 文化資料呀
好似節日,出名ge buliding,出名ge 食物, museum
愈多資料愈好~另外都要d 人口ge 資料,area o個d 資料

但係我要ge 係英文 ge~
係" 英 文 " 呀~冰個比中文我ge o個個係低能呀~
唔該咁多位~ ^^

回答 (2)

2006-10-16 1:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
Germany is a democratic parliamentary federal republic, made up of 16 states (Länder), which in certain spheres act independently of the federation. Historically consisting of several sovereign states with their own history, distinct German tribe dialects, culture and religious beliefs, Germany was unified as a nation state amidst the Franco-Prussian War in 1871.

The Federal Republic of Germany is a member state of the United Nations, NATO, the G8 and the G4 nations, and is a founding member of the European Union. It is the European Union's most populous and most economically powerful member state.

The state now known as Germany was unified as a modern nation-state only in 1871, when the German Empire, dominated by the Kingdom of Prussia, was forged. This began the German Reich, usually translated as empire, but also meaning kingdom, domain or realm.

Germany is located in Central Europe and it shares borders with Denmark in the North, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and France in the West, Austria and Switzerland in the South and Poland and the Czech Republic in the East. The North Sea and the Baltic Sea represent additional National Borders in the North.

Geographic coordinates: 51°00′N 9°00′E


Altitude levelsTotal: 357,021 km² (137,850 mi²)
Land: 349,223 km² (134,835 mi²)
Water: 7,798 km² (3,010 mi²)

The greater part of Germany lies in the cool/temperate climatic zone in which humid westerly winds predominate.

The climate is influenced to some extent by the Gulf Stream, which promotes an unusually mild climate in areas adjacent to it. The climate in Great Britain, Portugal, France and Norway is especially influenced by this stream and to a lesser extent the areas bordering on the North Sea including the peninsula of Jutland in north Germany and the area along the Rhein which flows into the North Sea.

In the north-west and the north the climate is oceanic and rain falls all year round. Winters there are relatively mild and summers tend to be comparatively cool, even though temperatures can reach above 30 degrees Celsius (86 °F) for prolonged periods of time. Average temperatures: Hamburg: January 0.3 °C (33 °F) / July 17.1 °C (63°F); Essen: January 1.5 °C (35 °F) / July 17.5 °C (64 °F)

In the east the climate shows clear continental features; winters can be very cold for long periods, and summers can become very warm. Here, too, long dry periods are often recorded. Average temperatures: Berlin: January −0.9 °C (30 °F) / July 18.6 °C (65 °F)

In the central part and the south there is a transitional climate which varies from moderately oceanic to continental, depending on the location. Hot summers with temperatures about 30 degrees Celsius (86 °F) are possible. Average temperatures: Munich: January −2.2 °C (28 °F) / July 17.6 °C (64 °F); Freiburg: January 1.2 °C (34 °F) / July 19.4 °C (67 °F)

Many historical figures, though not citizens of Germany in the modern sense, were important and influential figures in German culture, such as Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Franz Kafka and Stefan Zweig.
2006-10-16 1:46 am

52°31′N 13°24′E

Largest city

Official language(s)
German 1

Federal Republic

- President
Horst Köhler (CDU)

- President of the Bundestag
Norbert Lammert (CDU)

- Chancellor
Angela Merkel (CDU)

- Vice Chancellor
Franz Müntefering (SPD)


- Holy Roman Empire
843 (Treaty of Verdun)

- Unification
January 18, 1871

- Federal Republic
May 23, 1949

- Reunification
October 3, 1990

Accession to EU
March 25, 1953
(West G.)


- Total
357,050 km² (63rd)
137,858 sq mi

- Water (%)


- 2005 est.
82,438,000(ultimo) (14th)

- 2000 census

- Density
230.9/km² (50th)
598.5/sq mi

Culture of Germany
Religious tradition in Germany
The German government has limited responsibilities for culture, which is devolved to the states of Germany, called Länder.
Approximately 67 percent of the German population belong to a Christian denomination, of whom roughly half are Roman Catholic and half are Protestant (the figures are known quite accurately because Germany imposes a church tax on those who disclose a religious affiliation). Germany formed a substantial part of the Roman Catholic Holy Roman Empire, but was also the source of Protestant reformers such as Martin Luther. Historically, Germany had a substantial Jewish population. Only a few thousand people of Jewish origin remained in Germany after the Holocaust, but the German Jewish community now has approximately 100,000 members, many from the former Soviet Union. Germany also has a substantial Muslim minority, the most are from Turkey.
Less than 4 percent of Germans attend church on a regular basis.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 12:08:17
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