重滔複徹 eng係咩????急

2006-10-16 1:32 am
重滔複徹 eng係咩????急

回答 (5)

2006-10-16 2:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
要用英文表達 「重蹈覆轍」,可考慮以下的種講法:
1) to follow the same old disastrous road
2) to repeat a failure
e.g. ...the military will follow the same old disastrous road as the Russian army.
Source:www.hamline.edu/apakabar/basisdata/ 2001/11/18/0031.html
e.g. Let us learn our lessons from the past and never repeat a failure.
Source: www.marxists.org/history/usa/ unions/iww/1920/hardy.htm
repeat one's mistakes, making the same mistakes again

Yes, writing on one's own can reinforce your mistakes. You can damage your English by writing in English! ... As you write, you repeat your mistakes constantly and it becomes your strong habit to make those mistakes. ...
www.apronus.com/mrw/bad_habits.htm - 16k -
2006-10-16 1:40 am
Again inundates the duplicate penetrating
2006-10-16 1:36 am
Did the wrong thing again.
2006-10-16 1:34 am

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