甚麼是Giant ionic structure?

2006-10-16 1:02 am

回答 (2)

2006-10-16 4:52 am
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silicon dioxide 唔係giant ionic,係giant convalent ga~~giant ionic 係指 for example ,NaCl, formed by ionic bond. Then wht is ionic bond??ionic bond means that there is a TRANSFER of electrons~like NaCl is composed of Na+ and Cl-, it means that Na lost one electron and Cl gain an electron, they are hold by electrostatic forces,becuz 一個+ve , 一個-ve
而giant covalent structure 係講緊 Sharing of electrons, like between Si and O, 佢地有covalent bonding, 但係有covalent bond 又唔represent 係giant covalent structure wor, 可以係covelent between atoms with one molecule, molecular force between molecule
有錯請更正,因為太耐冇touch chem 啦
2006-10-16 1:14 am
個D ionic compounds 唔會獨立咁存在,Eg.sodium chlride
就算係一粒salt,佢都係由好多個sodium chlride(or other salt)組成
Giant ionic structure-->由好多ionic compounds 組成的structure

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