
2006-10-16 12:18 am
what are the advantages and disadvantages of beinga member of a large family??

回答 (3)

2006-10-18 7:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
Being a member of a large family has its pros and cons. Firstly, family members are supposed to help each other. Therefore, in a large family, whenever you encounter any problems, you may receive help and advice easily. Also, during festivals, a large family would hold a bigger feast to celebrate and it would definitely be better than a family with only two or three members. However, in a large family, as there are many relatives, the relationship between each of them might not be as good as the one in a smaller family. Besides, a large family may also make the living environment too noisy for studying.

Hope i can help you la
really put effort in writing this for you
2006-10-19 8:32 am
There are both advantages and disadvantages of being part of a large family. In less developed countries, it is often a tradition to have a large family as more children can be used to help with house chores and especially farming. However, it is hard to satisfy all children in the family as resources are limited so they often need to fight for food and the strongest often survives. However, in a more developed place such as hong kong, the advantage of being part of a large family is that help can be seeked from each other and problems might be easier to be resolved. Brothers and sisters can understand each other more by talking about school and share things that they don't feel confident in sharing with their parents. On the other hand, there are also disadvantages. Having large families in hong kong is not common, as most people could not afford the expenses of bringing up large group of children. This will lead to poverty and lower standards of living. Large families could also cause conflicts and social problems, having more than three children may also cause family stress which might eventually lead to family breakdown and marriage failures. Therefore one can always benefit or suffer from being a member of a large family.

i hope what i wrote make sense -_-
2006-10-17 1:29 pm
you can have a answer for that when u r living in sum farm,....the ppl who live in farm need to have more labour....if they have a big family, then they don't need that much of employer.
But if u are poor and u have lots of children, u can't be afford to feed them

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