
2006-10-15 11:33 pm

回答 (2)

2006-10-17 5:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
綜合人文科是將 地理Geography, 經公EPA , 歷史History, 中史Chinese History 等傳統科目 混合地 , 關聯地組成的新科目 , 有點通識的前奏感 ; 教署網站指這是一個 靈活開放的課程架構 , 目的是讓學生認識世界 , 同時亦學習思考(critical thinking) 。

教署列出的課程大綱由近(認識自己)到遠(認識世界) , 由認識現代開始 , 走向古代 , 循序漸進 , 認識世界 , 關懷及了解文化人情和時事。

教署的遠景顯然是要培育高分高能的人才 , 我很認同這方向 。

香港的學生不用再分身兼顧數個科目 , 艱澀的科目混合成為一科綜合人文科 , 讓他們可以多些時間思考, 不用將史地經公分散地生吞死記 , 卻又難以融會貫通 。 讓學生開心學習 , 教署倡導這新課程應記一功。


Teaching Proposal :
2006-10-15 11:36 pm
IH----Integrated Humanities 綜合人文

Integrated Humanities was introduced as a curriculum initiative in junior secondary schools by the Education and Manpower Bureau during the school year 2000-2001. A partnership was formed with three secondary schools to pilot the Integrated Humanities curriculum. The Education and Manpower Bureau undertook the development and production of learning and teaching resources required for the implementation of the Integrated Humanities curriculum. These resources aim to promote, among students, enquiry learning, multiple perspectives, generic skills and positive values and attitudes. These resources, together with the research findings obtained from the pilot teaching will be made accessible to the public through internet so that they will serve as useful references to other schools opting to implement the school-based Integrated Humanities curriculum in future. As these resources can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format, teachers can easily make their own adaptations to meet their school-based needs.

Characteristics of Learning and Teaching resources of Integrated Humanities
The learning and teaching materials of the Integrated Humanities are divided into different units which are further categorized into a range of topics covered by numerous learning activities. Knowledge that students have to acquire is presented in the forms of words, photos, maps and graphs and integrated in the classroom learning activities. Through the designed learning activities, students can cultivate their thinking skills and reflect their own sets of values and attitudes in addition to acquiring knowledge.

In view of the open and flexible framework of the Integrated Humanities curriculum, the colleagues of the Education and Manpower Bureau, in designing the learning activities, have put much emphasis on exercises that help cultivating critical thinking and developing higher-order thinking skills. Due to the lack of time and manpower, the initially designed learning and teaching materials were not as refined and may not pose appropriate challenges to the students' thinking abilities. However, since all the materials are prepared in Microsoft Word format and are made accessible to the public through the internet, we hope that teachers may, based on these resources, adapt and design materials which are more helpful in cultivating students' critical thinking and develop a more appropriate Integrated Humanities curriculum for students in Hong Kong.

This website aims at providing teachers with
Major elements and simple explanations of critical thinking
Proposals to cultivate students' critical thinking in daily classroom
Worksheets to cultivate students' critical thinking
Relevant examples of online teaching materials for Integrated Humanities

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