
2006-10-15 8:21 pm

回答 (3)

2006-10-15 8:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
連接詞(Conjunction)用於連接句中的「詞與詞」「片語與片語」「子句與子句」,具有使句子「變長」或「複雜化」的功能。連接詞有and, but, or, for, as, because, if, so, that, when等。


表示某個觀念與另一個觀念的時間 (前後) 順序:"Tashonda sent in her applications and waited by the phone for a response."
表示某個觀念是另一個觀念的結果:"Michael heard the weather report and promptly boarded up his house."
表示某個觀念與另一個觀念成對比 (在這種用法中通常以 but 來取代):"Juanita is brilliant and Shalimar has a pleasant personality.
表示一種錯愕,意外的相反意思 (在這種用法中有時以 yet 來取代):"Hartford is a rich city and suffers from many symptoms of urban blight."
表示某個子句附屬於另一個子句 (第一個子句通常是祈使句):"Use your credit cards frequently and you'll soon find yourself deep in debt."
這是一種含有假設意思的用法,上面的句子等於 "If you use your credit cards frequently, and...."
表示一種對第一個子句的「評論、發表意見」:"Charlie became addicted to gambling -- and that surprised no one who knew him."


鑑於第一個子句的敘述,表示一種意料之外的對比:"Joey lost a fortune in the stock market, but he still seems able to live quite comfortably."
以肯定的敘述來表示句子先前的部分係在做否定的暗示 (有時以 on the contrary 來取代):"The club never invested foolishly, but used the services of a sage investment counselor."


表示只有一個可能性可能實現,排除另一個可能性:"You can study hard for this exam or you can fail."
表示所有選擇方案的組合:"We can broil chicken on the grill tonight, or we can just eat leftovers."
表示對第一個子句的改良、做更精確的敘述:"Smith College is the premier all-women's college in the country, or so it seems to most Smith College alumnae."
表示對句子先前部分的「修改」或以不同的方式重述:"There are no rattlesnakes in this canyon, or so our guide tells us."
表示一種否定的情況:"The New Hampshire state motto is the rather grim "Live free or die."
在不使用祈使句的情況下,表示否定的選擇 (參見上面 and 的用法):"They must approve his political style or they wouldn't keep electing him mayor."


2006-10-15 12:35:58 補充:
連接詞﹝英文 Conjunction﹞e.g.:and 和,及;與also 又;並且because 因為since (常用於現在完成式或過去完成式)自...以來,從...至今as 像...一樣;依照;像for 因為,由於

2006-10-15 12:36:30 補充:
so    因此,所以so that 為了如此...以至於;以便although 雖然;儘管though 雖然;儘管even though 即使;雖然 [可能是 副詞 (adverb)]even if 即使;縱令 [可能是 副詞 (adverb)]but 但是either (通常與or連用)或者or 或者;還是(either...or... 不是...就是...;要麼...要麼...)

2006-10-15 12:36:51 補充:
neither (與nor連用)既不...也不;也不nor (用在neither之後)也不(neither...nor... 既不...也不...)before 在...以前after 在...之後except     除...之外however 然而,可是,不過in spite of 不管;儘管;雖然有...yet 可是,卻,然而if (表示條件)如果whether (引導名詞子句)是否than 比,比較

2006-10-15 12:37:10 補充:
however 然而,可是,不過how (用於間接陳述中,意義和作用與that相仿)that (引導名詞子句)whereas (公文用語,常用在句首)鑑於where 在...處;到...的地方;...的地方wherever 無論在哪裡;無論到哪裡when 當...時whenever 無論什麼時候;每當while 當...的時候,和...同時until 直到...時,到...為止

2006-10-15 12:37:21 補充:
till 直到...為止as long as 只要as well as 不但...而且as soon as 一經...;立即...;一...就...only 【口】可是,不過once 一旦,一經...便nevertheless 仍然,不過,然而still 然而,但是;儘管如此
because ,and ,but ,Although,
因為 和 但是,雖然
參考: my brain
2006-10-15 8:28 pm
by the way講開又講

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